Thursday 12 April 2007

Bihada Ichizoku

If you've shopped at drugstores in Japan, there is a very high likelihood that you would have seen the Bihada Ichizoku line of face masks and skincare. It's a popular brand made by Labo Labo with packaging that features characters from a popular serial novel. Here's an article on the origin of the brand:

The current line-up includes the following items. I've also included their average star rating on @Cosme. Each sheet mask contains 27ml of moisturiser.

1. Sheet Mask (pink packaging) 450yen for one sheet, or 1890yen for pack of 4: for more translucent, glowy skin. Contains pearl and seaweed extracts. (4.1 stars)

2. Sheet Mask RM (purple packaging): For dry skin. Contains trehalose, hyaluronic acid and cactus extract. (4.7 stars)

3. Sheet Mask SK (beige packaging): For deep moisturising and countering skin discolourations. Contains birch extract and alpha arbutin for whitening. (4.2 stars)

4. Milky Bath 180yen (4.3 stars): has a rose fragrance, hyaluronic acid and collagen

5. Hot Bath 180yen (5.3 stars): Supposedly improves your skin by making you sweat!

6. Clear Gel 1890yen (4 stars): for exfoliating

7. Cream 2100yen (4.6 stars): Described as an "aqua gel", this is a moisturiser in a gel formula. Contains egg protein, pearl extract. On this webpage, just scroll down to the middle to see what it looks like upon application.

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