Sunday 15 July 2007

Canmake Cheek Gradation #4 Chocolate

Remember the limited edition Canmake Cheek Gradation #4 Chocolate which I posted about earlier this week? Well, it is already sold out in many stores over here in Tokyo so I had a hard time today searching for them for CPs. But luckily a store in Roppongi Hills had 6 pieces left and I snapped up all of them. Hope Canmake will add it to their permanent line-up as it's much nicer and easier to wear than #3!


  1. ah!! im late! i so want it!


  2. You're a true makeup sleuth to be able to track down these htf. glimmery beauties. How lucky for the CP people who will get this! ;):D

  3. Oh Wow! These palettes sell out so quickly!

  4. Wow! I haven't seen #4 in any of the stores I've been to. I assumed they only went up to #3... Lucky you! :)

  5. oh no!! i added them to my cp list, but haven't send it to ya yet..guess i'm too late =S

  6. I picked up some more extra pieces, just PM me on CC :-)
