Tuesday 10 July 2007

Lavshuca Fall Collection

Close-up pics of the forthcoming Lavshuca fall collection. The new Lavshuca Grade Color Select palettes will retail for 1680yen, same as the Eye Color Select palettes. The packaging of the Grade Color Select palettes is just too adorable! There's even a heart shaped imprint on the lightest shade in each quad :-)

Grade Color Select (L to R): PK1, BR1, BE1

Grade Color Select (L to R): GR1, BU1, PU1

Eye Color Select in PU2 (looks blah! Certainly not as unique as PU1)

Color Conc Rouge (L to R): PK1, PK2, RS1

RD1, RD2, RD3

BR1, BE1, BE2, BE3

Slim Line Liner BK1


  1. Wow! The new Lavshuca palettes are so pretty! PU-2 looks just like any other purple/lilac palette :/ PU-1 is definitely a keeper.

  2. Gyah! I can't wait to get my hands on the new Color Conc Rouge lipstick/glosses! They look like a lot of fun.

  3. pu2 looks light shades. kinda like jill stuart gem ametheyst?

  4. How much does the Color Conc Rouge cost? Are these pigmented? :)

  5. Color Conc Rouge costs 1260yen and the level of pigment is medium.
