Saturday 4 August 2007

Testimo and Revue to be discontinued

Just read on 2Channel that the current fall collections for both Revue and Testimo will be their last. Come December, these two brands will be discontinued and replaced by a new brand, Coffret d'Or (not sure of spelling but it means 'gold box' in French). This is similar to when Pied Nus and Proudia were discontinued and replaced by Maquillage. And the bad news is that Coffret d'Or will be a "no print price" brand just like Maquillage and Esprique Precious. Which means no more drugstore discounts!! I really hate this 'no print price' trend in Japanese drugstore brands. Hope that the new brand will at least have more elegant packaging than Maquillage's weirdly shaped compacts and maintain the excellent quality of Revue and Testimo if not their affordable pricing. It's just so sad, to think that there won't be new Testimo and Revue collections to look forward to.


  1. OMG I almost had a heart-attack when I read this! No more T'estimo!!! I really hope the new brand will be a good replacement... ='(

  2. Kanebo's quality is much more consistent than Shiseido, judging by how well it has done with Kate, Lavshuca, Revue and Testimo so I'm a bit more optimistic that it'll do a good job with Coffret D'Or. But it's heartbreaking that they're killing two of my favourite brands at one go!

  3. No more T'estimo...reading that was a surprise. Is the brand not doing well or is it a management decision? The brand's been around for so long that it's a little upsetting to know that it will be discontinued.

    Coffret D'Or sounds affected, plus it makes me wonder how the SG BAs will mangle the name,lol! :P

    Good point about Kanebo's umbrella brands. It's reassuring to know that it will likely come up with something decent.

    Still, it's odd that they'd discontinue two of their much loved brands.

    Is drugstore going high-end?!

  4. What does that "no print price" mean? How does it work? When I visited Japan, I saw T'estimo and Revue in drug stores, but they were more "upper class" drug stores, than the ones that had Kate.

  5. I adore T'estimo! Will have to stock up on their things now...

  6. Oh my!
    Oh my oh my!
    I should get some supplies!!
    (Thank goodness they havent discontinued Lavshuca!)

  7. No print price means that the price is not printed on the packaging so that drugstores cannot offer their usual discounts. For Testimo and Revue, they are usually discounted by 25% to 30%, which works out to quite substantial savings. For example, both Testimo and Maquillage's eyeshadow quads cost 3675yen officially but with the drugstore discount on Testimo, their quads usually go for 2572yen if there's a 30% discount.

    The decision is probably based on a desire to renew the brand and not because Testimo is not doing well.

  8. This is bad news.. I have always heard raves for Revue products but kept procrastinating in getting em thinking they will be available for a long long time.. guess it's my mistake!! :(

  9. I read somewhere a few months ago that creating "Super Brands" is a trend in Japanese cosmetics (to create a stronger brand identity and broader appeal).

    But I am still a bit surprised that T'Estimo is actually being discontinued. (It only just started to grow on me...)

    Who know...maybe a few seasons later, Sofina's Aube and Raycious will merge into one brand as well...

  10. That is just so sad! I love Testimo! Did they say when it'll be discontinued? Time to stock up on things!

    I do hope the new brand will be like Testimo or even better!

  11. OMG!!! I love Testimo's palettes, they are simply the best! The pigment, color combinations and it's all inclusive - liner, crease, lid and highlight shades, all there! It's perfect for travelling! I love Revue's foundations, I can't believe they are going to discontinue :( I hope the new revamped brand will not disappoint ....

  12. therez pros and cons. argh, testimo was so affordable with the drugstore discounts and they have fabulous lipsticks!!! on the other hand, a new exciting line! wonder who will be the face for coffect d'or and what pdts they will offer. quite exiciting. but rip to testimo.

  13. *sob* No more Testimo and Revue They are my all time fave. :( Luckily I stock up my Revue fdn while I was in Japan... Hope Coffret D'Or is as good as Testimo and Revue.

  14. yeah, will miss testimo's e/s
    wonder who will be the new face for the new line. yu?
