Saturday 15 September 2007

Estee Lauder x Tokyo Tower

If you happen to be in Tokyo on 1 October, don't miss the annual pink lightup of Tokyo Tower sponsored by the Estee Lauder Group as part of their breast cancer awareness campaign. The light-up will take place from 6pm to 10pm on Monday, 1 October.

On a separate note, my heartfelt thanks to everyone for their prayers and good wishes for my mother. Thankfully, her cancer turned out to be Stage 1 so there is a high chance of a full recovery.


  1. I'm happy your mum is doing great!she is a strong woman. (^-^)Take good care of her.♥

  2. Awwwwww...I am so relieved to hear that she'll recover!
    I just came back to Austria yesterday night and sitting in front of all the cute makeup I got right now..I need to start taking pics, it's really a truckload of new goodies!
    *big hugs*

  3. Thank god your mum is going great!! Wish you all e very best too!! *hugz*

  4. It's a good news! So happy to hear that! Take good care of her and yourself too. :)

  5. Darling, I haven't been to your site in awhile and I just heard about your mom. I'm so sorry to hear, but I am praying and hoping for your mom full recovery. Miss you and hang in there! *hug*

  6. ***HUGS*** This is excellent news! Your mum is an awesome woman; she will ride through this wonderfully. :)
