Friday 7 September 2007

Heading Home

As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end and so does my short adventure in New York. I'm dropping out of school and heading back to Singapore as my mother has breast cancer. The bright spot is that it hasn't spread to other parts and hopefully, she can make a full recovery after treatment. I'll still try to keep the blog going (definitely need the distraction sometimes!) unless things get really overwhelming. My sincere thanks to everyone for your support so far!


  1. All my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom! I wish you both the very best imaginable!
    *big hugs*

  2. all my best wishes to you and your mom! have a safe journey home.

    on lighter side, check out the duty free shop! i am kicking myself for not getting a trio of ysl touche blush minis! dah!!

    -applepark from mua

  3. Hey Haru,
    I wanted to send you a very big spanish hug for your and your mom! Hope she'll get well very soon.

  4. Hi Haru!! I am sorry to hear that. I hope all well for you & your mum. Wish your mum a speedy recovery from the bottom of my heart & you have a safe journey back home!! *hugz* *hugz*

  5. oh iris :(
    My dear friend.

    I'm so sorry! My thoughts, prayers, and good wishes are with you, your mum, and family.

    If you need anything at all please contact me and I'll do my best to help out in anyway I can!

    Truly my thoughts are with you during such a hard time!

    Much Love!

  6. hope that your mom will recover soon! and have a safe journey back to SG. *hugs*

  7. I'm sorry to hear this, Iris. :( I will continue to keep your mom in my thoughts and prayers and hope everything turns out OK for her.

    Big hugs to you.

  8. hey... Iris...
    So sorry to hear this... hope your mum have a speedy recovery. May all my thoughts and prayers are with u and your mum.

    Take care and have safe journey home.

    Carolyn aka CarCar

  9. Iris,

    So sorry to hear about your mum. But it may not be as bad. Let's hope that it's still at the least dangerous stage.

    You're such a good daughter! I know not everyone can give up their plans for their parents.

  10. i'm sorry to hear abt it, irisi ..please take care and hope your mum get well very soon :)


  11. I hope your mom will get well soon! Since you said it hasn't spread yet so it must be in the earlier stages of cancer. No worries. There's a high chance that it can be cured through either removal/chemo and radiation. Take care girl!!!

  12. Best wishes to your mum and you!
    Hope everything will be fine :)
    Hope she gets well soon, luckily it was found out in time ya?

    Meanwhile take time off from everything (including makeup!) and spends lots of quality time with her!

  13. oh dear, sorry to hear that...hope your mom gets better..

    meanwhile wishing you all the best!


  14. Hey Iris,

    I am so sorry to hear about ur mom. All our thoughts and prayers are with u and your mom. Hopes she makes a speedy recovery soon!!!

    Take care, stay positive and have safe journey home!!!

    Lots of Hugs,
    Lilian (Strawberrysc)

  15. Iris dear
    I will keep you and your mum in my prayers. Wish all will be well for her. I had recently undergone surgery to remove some breast tissues for biopsy and was blessed with good lab results. So i do know the apprehension when one is in that unfavourable situation. Pls take care & God be with you and all your loved ones at home. *hugz*

  16. I wish All the best to you and your mum...
    Hope she'll recover fast...

    (p/s: Do watch over her diet, it plays a part of helping her to get well sooner...)


  17. Hey Iris,

    one of the teacher whom i am close to also diagnosed with breast your mum,her's didn't spread to other parts of the body.Thank god!
    she is coping well with the treatment so far. your mum will need alot of support and comfort from you, be strong! if you or mum need someone to talk to, feel free to approach me, i can get my teacher to talk to you guys too .

    take care!

    Jess aka jazzie

  18. hi haru, be strong gal, take care of your mum well. Gambatte! :)

  19. Hi Haru,
    My best wishes to you and your mom.Take care n have a safe trip home.

  20. HUGS and *be strong vibes* to you and your wonderful mother. Please take care!

  21. Thoughts anre prayers with you & your family. Safe travels home - Betsy

  22. Stay strong, and hopefully your mom recovers soon!!

  23. I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope your mum gets better and that you are a constant and strong support for her.

    Will pray for you.
    Take Care

  24. Be strong and have faith. It will be a long journey and a difficult one and hope you and your family will stay united for your mum. She need it right now. All the best ya!

  25. Hi Iris,
    Sorry to hear this news, but I know you and your mom will pull this through. Sending my best wishes to you and your family. Stay strong. Keep us updated on everything. =)

  26. Haru,
    All the best for you mom as she starts her treatments.

    Thanks for sharing .. you have a safe trip home too!


  27. HUGS, please take care. Wishing you a safe trip back and a super speedy recovery for your mom.

  28. Iris,

    My best wishes & prayers to you and your mom. Take care.

  29. All my best regards to you and your mom. I am sorry to hear that such a thing has happened to your dear mom and I wish her a speedy recovery!

    Hugs to you as well!

  30. **Big hugs**
    best wishes to your mum. may she have s speedy recovery. take care and dont over-stress yourself. things will all work out fine

  31. It's our pleasure to meet you and your amazing blog.
    Thanks for your great informations~

    best wish for you and your mom~

  32. hi haru, sorry to hear about your mum's condition but i'm pretty sure the chances of recovery will be gd. Drug discoveries for breast cancer in the early stages are quite advanced now and in the meantime, do take care ya *big big hugs*

  33. Take care! All the best to you and your mum.

  34. Iris,
    I hope everything will be better.
    Keep strong and my prayer will be with you and family.

  35. Iris! *hugs* having just gone through a cancer scare myself (whereby I had to have a full laparotomy so that the surgeon could take a cyst that was sitting on top of my left ovary, along with that ovary and then do a biopsy on it), please know that my thoughts are with you and your mum.

    Maybe we can catch up in Singapore? I'll be there during Christmas time :)

  36. Will be thinking of your mum and your family in my prayers.

  37. Dear Haru, I hope you stay strong and give support to your mum! Maybe its fated that you get called back to spend more time with your family since you have not been in Sg for ages!

  38. Dear Haru,

    I'm really sorry to hear about your mum. Just like others, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Be strong and I hope everything will be fine.

  39. Oh, Iris! I am so sorry. Thoughts and psychic hugs are coming to you and your Mum from the UK. You're being the very finest kind of daughter by putting your plans on hold for your Mum. I hope she has a quick recovery - I'm sure your presence at home will help her a great deal.
