Saturday 29 September 2007

Lunasol Holiday Coffret

The Lunasol holiday coffret (or as the Lunasol website proudly pronounces it, "Lunasol Party Cofflet 2007"... whoever writes the promotional copy for these ads should be shot or at least sent back to English school) "Silver Pink Lighting" is up on the Lunasol website. The set features Lighting For Eyes EX03 (pale silvery pink, a medium chocolate, a dark brown and a pale gold), Geminate Liner EX01, Full Glamour Gloss EX06, Shining Face Color EX01 and an original gift box.

It's hard to get excited about the coffret as the shades are too neutral or pale for my taste and instead of a pretty pouch, you get a boring brown box! But this being limited edition and the holidays, it will probably still sell out in a flash. So my advice is save your money for the spring collection which should be more stellar. The coffret will retail for 6825yen starting 16 November.


  1. LOL at "cofflet"! I think there are several illiterate ppl working for Kanebo... just remembered the first batch of Lavshuca's Lip Gloss liners were marked as Lip GRoss Liners LOL I still have some of them (the newer ones are labelled correctly)

  2. hmm, the usual pink paried with brown.
    lol, i rather enjoy the mangled english. gives it its own unique flavor. haha
    they say that if the english is grammatical, it's most likely to be a fake.

  3. LOL...Japanese always mixed up R and L. Remember Gran Blush was named as Gran Brush...

  4. Yes, I love "engrish". I think it's way too cute. It's not like they are illiterate, but this spelling (or "spering", maybe?) is rather a strong cultural trait, and the way they pronounce English names. If you watch Japanese films you will hear loads of examples. I think it's endearing and I love to collect examples myself. As the commenter above says, it gives it "its own unique flavour". Couldn't be truer.
    I am not getting the cofflet though. It's very much like other Lunasols I have here, unfortunately. However, I wish they would come up with a Geminate Eyes in Emerald or Jade - beautiful shades of opalescent greens. Well, at least I can dream... And hope!

  5. I suspect that many will be coffing up $ for the cofflet, hee! It doesn't look unusual but the neutrals are beautiful on their own, as well as able to set off the brighter shades from the other palettes. Then again, one has to see it in person first. Thanks for the info! :D

    I wonder how close it is to the Neutrals palette...
