Saturday 13 October 2007

Jill Stuart Website Update

The Jill Stuart website has been updated with the Christmas collection details. The coffret set includes:

1. Brilliance Eyes Rose Box #100 Rose Dream
2. Shimmer Tint Face Color #100 Rose Glow
3. Lip Gloss #102 Rose Gleam
4. Nail Care Oil
5. Satin Pouch
6. Fragrance Velvet Ribbon Choker

The set will retail for 6825yen starting 10 November. The Shimmer Tint Face Color is a cream face illuminator with a non-sticky finish. The Brilliance Eyes Rose Box features shades of pale yellow, pinks and a smokey plum. The pink and plum shades look very similar to those in the existing Brilliance Eyes palettes so if you already own those, you can probably dupe the shades in Rose Dream fairly easily. This being Jill Stuart and the Christmas collection, it will probably sell out before noon on the day of release. Quite a few of those who queue up to buy these sets are actually paid to do so by people looking to turn a profit by re-selling it at online auctions.


  1. Hi Rouge,

    I like the Lavshuca holiday collection too! Thanks for keeping us all updated!


  2. so pretty the pouches!!

  3. Love the contrast of yellow and pink! I wonder if we'd even stand a chance in getting this...

  4. thank you for the update! :)
    Seems like the e/s color is pretty similar to the pink quartz one.

  5. I really like the kit! And it's really good value for the money if you manage to get it without the typical auction-mark-up! LOL! Thanks for the pic!

  6. thanks for your effort in updating =) like to ask you is there any website where u buy jill stuart cosmetic? cos the ones in auction are all so much more expensive =(

  7. hmm..didn't create much lemmings for me..*Thank God*
    Don't really like the pouch, nor the colors..guess i'll hafta wait patiently for the spring collection..

  8. You can buy JS online at, and but beware that there is still a markup on all of these websites and some of them also slap on a 6% charge if you want to pay by Paypal. So do shop around and compare prices before you place an order.

  9. I kinda like the colors in the palette ....
