Wednesday 31 October 2007

Majolica Majorca Holiday

Pics of the upcoming MM holiday collection due out on 21 November from @Cosme.

1. Majolook (Line Impact), 1575yen: SV801 Blowing Snow 吹雪, PK122 Light Snow 淡雪
2. Lash Freeze (waterproof), 1260yen
3. Snow Carat Powder, 1470yen
4. Artistic Nails (Glow & Quick), 399yen: SV831 Iceberg 氷山, PK132 Snowmelt 雪解け水, BK933 Snowy Night 雪の夜

The Majolica Majorca website also has a new page featuring the Christmas collection. Just click on the small icon of the Lash Freeze on the website. Starting 21 Nov, there will also be a booklet featuring mascara tips to be sold with the mascaras.


  1. oh the greatness!

    need this!


    need two of everythig!


    want want want :)


  2. I want the Majolook palettes! Looks pretty. Is Snow Carat Powder a highlighting powder?

  3. Major Lemmings approaching!!

  4. The Majolook palette looks very tempting. I wonder if the other palette is any darker.

  5. All looks so pale =( I wish for once they'd do bright jewel tones for xmas!
