Saturday 10 November 2007

Lunasol Spring 2008

Lunasol will be launching its Spring 2008 collection on 18 January in Japan. The colorful collection is inspired by corals, which definitely sounds promising! Lunasol will be launching another new eyeshadow quad series, Sheer Contrast Eyes (5250yen) in 5 variations, as well as a new lipstick line, Full Glamour Lips G in 20 shades (3150yen). Other items in the collection are Contrasting W Lip Liner in 4 shades (2100yen), Contrasting Cheeks N in 2 shades (2625yen) and W Highlight (2625yen). The promo image looks a bit blah though and I'm disappointed that Lunasol is not continuing the Geminate Eyes series which is excellent.


  1. lunasol shld pick a better model, more with more charisma.. or get a celeb

  2. I agree! I much prefer the other models that they have been using, although it would also be a nice change if Lunasol were to use an Asian model instead of only Caucasians from time to time.

  3. I agree...I'd prefer an Asian model, too! Anyway, somehow the items on the pic don't attract me at all =( Looks all super warm, so not suitable for me!

  4. is the new range listed online yet? what colour is the highlighter?


  5. The spring collection is not online yet. The highlighter is supposed to be dual-toned but not sure of the shades.

  6. It is a shame they won't have Geminate eyes but the new shades looks more promising!
