Saturday 14 June 2008

Visee Fall '08

Some more pics of Visee's fall collection, Glamorous Hunter,due out on 1 July in Japan.

1. Glam Hunt Eyes: 5 palettes in brown, grey, khaki themes (1890yen)
2. Nudish Rouge: Liquid rouge in a dial-type packaging in 11 shades (2100yen)

3. Liquid Eyeliner N: 2 shades (1050yen)
4. Cream Eyeliner WP: in black and brown (1470yen)
5. Pencil Eyeliner N: 2 shades (840yen)
6. Pencil Eyebrow N: 2 new shades (840yen)
7. Sharp Pencil Eyebrow: 4 shades (735yen)
9. Eyebrow Mascara: 2 shades (892yen)

10. Powder Eyebrow : 2 shades (1260yen)

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