Saturday 27 September 2008

Majolica Majorca Launch in SE Asia

Majolica Majorca has just launched its international website in English. Check it out here! As reported earlier, MM will be launched in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong. It is already available in Kuala Lumpur at the KLCC but no sight of it in the Watsons stores in Singapore yet. According to the store location page, MM will be stocked at a whopping 28 Watsons stores in Singapore alone! Hopefully, it'll arrive soon as I know many Singaporean ladies have been waiting for it impatiently.

I probably won't be getting any items myself as I have pretty much all I want from MM already but it's always good to see an 'old friend' :-) Now if only Plaza Style would open a store here...


  1. OMG.. this is super good news!
    MY HG mascara will be available here!
    No more spree or CP from japan.
    Hope the pricing will be competitive enough.

  2. any idea if the prices are going to be jacked up compared to Japan's?

    thank you~~

  3. Boo! It's not fair! You guys are so lucky...I wish it'd launch here too. =[

    Oh well, still waiting eagerly for MJ's holiday's release.

  4. AHHH! Haru, you just made my day, hopefully by the time I go to HK for my vacation, I'll see it all over the Watsons stores!
    Thanks for your post!

  5. Hi,

    No idea of the pricing in Singapore yet but the pricing in Malaysia was quite reasonable compared to Taiwan/Japan. But since we have 7% GST and Malaysia does not, I would expect the prices in Singapore to be higher than Malaysia.

  6. hope sg will get special limited edition items !

  7. wow!! great news! no need to stock up my favorite items whenever i go overseas now!! and i also wish the plaza would open here too, then can check out all the grans. blushers!


  8. Hey Missy jessie,

    Another reader, Moonflower, mentioned in a comment that Gransenbon will also be making its way to Watsons in Singapore! Sometime before the end of this year, I believe. So hopefully we'll see both MM and Gransenbon in our neighbourhood Watsons soon!

  9. I just read your comment about Gransenbon and am very excited! I was packing my blush drawer yesterday and realised how fond I am of these lovelies. (THANK YOU for your CP(s) - these are one of the best EVER!)

  10. Hey mag,

    Glad to have been able to help! Shopping for other people actually helped to curb my own spending sometimes in a strange way...haha :-) Get the pleasure of shopping without the financial drain!

    The Gransenbon blushes that I have didn't work out too well for me but I still find myself thinking of asking for a CP of #13 and #14 anyway... argh. Stupid lemmings! Anyway, I should wait and see them in person in Singapore.

  11. wow!! that's great news! Just hope they will have the blusher in #08, cos i read that it's discontinued? But it's such a lovely color, my favorite blusher anyway..oh well, if not it's also a good chance to check out all the other shades!
