Sunday 14 September 2008

Prima Vista & Majolica Majorca

A reader asked about the prices of Sofina Prima Vista's so here is the price list from

Powder Foundation (Moist Touch): 2940yen for refill, 1050yen for case
Cream Foundation: 3675yen
Smooth Coat Base: 2940yen
Bright Up Base: 2940yen
Face Powder (Loose): 3675yen

You can also click here to view the list of Prima Vista products on and their average star rating by users.

In other news, Majolica Majorca is set to be launched in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Hong Kong in Watsons' drugstores at the end of September! This is incredibly exciting news and I can't wait to be able to see MM in my local Watsons :-) This is even though I haven't been a big fan of MM's recent releases but it was one of the first Japanese drugstore brands that I first got hooked on and I have great nostalgia for it.

Hopefully, the prices will not be marked up too much compared to Japan. Now, if only Watsons will also bring in Lavshuca, Excel, Kiss and Gransenbon, that would complete my dream!


  1. Haru!
    Wow - great news! i like some MM stuff. do you know when it will come?

    i wish esprique precious, Ayura would reach Sg's shores too. :-)


  2. Hi Mich,

    It's supposed to be end-September, which is pretty soon!

  3. hurray~~~!!! hope that the price wouldn't be marked up by a great percentage!

  4. yay! MM is finally here and its so soon! i hope they bring in e full range unlike Kate!


  5. Gransenbon is coming into watson around Nov this year.FYI

  6. wow !!!
    but price -wise..........

  7. ooh thanks for the heads up on MM

  8. Thats great news! Can't wait to see MM in Watsons!!!!! :)

  9. yay!! thanks for the info! yeah if only they were to bring in the other brands as well, would be totally awesome. but anyhow can't wait to see it :)

  10. Hey Moonflower,

    Gransenbon is coming? Wow, that's really excellent! Guess someone at Watsons has been reading Cozycot and picking up some tips!

  11. Hi Haru,

    it's good to know MM is coming to SG and Msia. Delighted! Just wish that it's in full range and the new release won't be slow! And lucky you girls! Having Gransenbon in JP! I hope Msia has it too!!!

    I just wish the markup for both brands won't be high... if not... it's so sad for my pocket.

    And on a side note, I just receive confirmation from Watson's Malaysia that Canmake is to be withdrawn from all outlets. Was wondering if SG is the same too?

    Sigh, to get Canmake now is through Sasa, which is disastrous! Online spree then~ >_<


  12. Hi Iris & Moonflower,

    these are such an incredible piece of great news!!! :) Can't wait to see MM's pretty advertisement stand in Watsons, and I miss Gransenbon blushers too!!! =D

    Thanks ladies! U brightened my Monday@work. :)

  13. Hey Plue,

    That's a shame that Canmake is being pulled from Malaysia. I'm not sure how well it is doing in Singapore but I suspect probably not too good as its prices here are quite a big higher than Japan and not as affordable as say, Silky Girl. But there are discounts on it from time to time during Watsons' sales so hopefully that helps. I still get the Canmake stuff I want CP'd from Japan directly as I'm too impatient to wait for them to be released here. But frankly, I don't buy a lot of Canmake, just the occasional blusher or eyeshadow.

    I'm not too impressed with Gransenbon's blushes at the moment as the ones that I got largely turned out to be mostly shimmer with less than impressive color payoff. Hopefully the new shades #13 and #14 are better. I really should have gotten #6, 7 and 8 when I had the chance! Ah well... But still, I really hope it makes it to Singapore.

  14. It is definitely good news! In the past few mths, the Jap grocery stores here are bringing in more Jap drugstore cosmetics. E.g. Gransenbon and Bihada Ichizoku! It is really exciting! The range is rather limited i.e. Gransenbon blushers and face powder, no e/s ... yet! Perhaps MM is on the horizon!

  15. Hey Michelle,

    it's great to hear from you!

    That's fantastic that the Japanese grocery stores are bringing in Gransenbon blushes etc. The blushes are the more outstanding items in Gransenbon's range, the rest look quite average.

    I still haven't gotten around to trying my Bihada Ichizoku face sheet masks yet ;-p

  16. Majolica Majorca in Malaysia??!! That's a dream come true... *swoons*
    Now, if only they would bring in more Japanese drugstore brands in the future!

  17. Thanks for sharing the infos on Prima Vista items :). I hope Adam Beauty will carry them too!

  18. as far as i know gransenbon price not likely more than SGD30. but too bad, alot of the nice colours are discontinued..(moonflower)
