Thursday 23 October 2008

Beaute de Kose Christmas Coffret

Pic of Beaute de Kose's Christmas coffret which will be released on 21 November in Japan.

Pic from


  1. i also saw another set [esrique maybe not beaute de kose, i cant remember now] in the stores which had testers available
    it was to be released on 26th november

    comes in a heart shaped velvet box with a little white puff thing on it. 3 eyeshadows inside [pink and white and something i forgot, each with a snowflake in it as well]

    not the best info XD i will go back to the store and get photos

  2. Hi Yumeko,

    I believe you are referring to the Esprique Precious Christmas coffret :-) I posted the pic in an earlier blog post. Unfortunately, I think the combination of eyeshadow shades look quite pale and washed out. Probably suitable for ladies who prefer a more natural look.

    I wish I still had easy access to Japanese drugstores, I miss them so much!

  3. ah you did!! sorry i missed that picture somehow
    i surf at work and i have to keep my surfing window really small and some pic heavy posts get squished XD

    yah they really arent much
    i tried it out and i didnt think much of them, though its cheap for that many things in it

    do come back to tokyo soon!
