Saturday 24 January 2009

Majolica Majorca Website Update

The Majolica Majorca website has been updated with the new Chapter, Girly Erotica. Personally, I find the ad visual and theme for this collection utterly off-putting as I hate spiders and the model looks awfully silly with the horrible blonde wig!

It's strange that MM is not releasing any eyeshadows this spring as that is usually one of the larger collections out of the four that MM releases each year.


  1. hey my friend

    I agree about the's really not fitting with the gothy theme they have going on plus I think it looks absurd!

    But I do like the little spider :) I'm terrified of them in real life but on jewelry, accessories, and makeup I really like it ;)

    Must be my inner goth!

    So strange no shadows...what a tiny, tiny collection...!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. Hey Izzy!

    Great to hear from you, girl :-) Yeah, it's really bizarre that there's not a single eyeshadow in this collection. I have no idea why. Given the amount of money that the average Japanese woman spends on makeup, I can't imagine the economy tanking being a reason for there being no eyeshadows in this collection. And I was hoping that MM would have a better year in 2009, but this is a pretty pathetic start!

    I'm scared of spiders and generally don't like insect motifs. The only thing I like are butterflies, for which I go nuts!

  3. any diff bwt the black and white press powder? as in formulation?
    or same pdt just diff color casing

  4. I was wondering why there aren't any eyeshadows too! How strange. Isn't spring the best time to release eyeshadows? All the girly pastel colours. Aww.

  5. Hi,

    The new Pressed Pore Cover Powder (in the black case) is different from the Pressed Fantasia 24h powder (in the white case). The Pressed Pore Cover Powder is formulated with three types of powders: "Soft Foggy Powder", a anti-shine powder and a pore cover powder for better coverage of pores.

  6. I guess these new products are not release in Spore yet.
