Saturday 25 April 2009

Anna Sui Summer '09

Anna Sui will release a hair and bodycare collection on 4 June in Japan. Love the packaging of these!

1. Hair Treatment Oil (2625yen, 60ml): Made with rosehip oil.

2. Hair Comb R (1890yen): 5cm x 11.5cm

3. Body Protection N (3150yen, 90ml): SPF30 and PA++. Rose-scented, water-resistant sunblock that is infused with gold and silver pearl for a added glimmer. It also contains raspberry and rose extracts, grapeseed oil and olive oil.

4. Bath and Body Trial Kit (2940yen): Includes hair shampoo 60ml, hair conditioner 60ml, body shampoo 60ml in a tote bag. All the products are rose-scented.


  1. I am eying on the hair oil as well as the comb (they rat tail comb is only $10 dollars...they raised the price...not cool.)

    I love how they use those cute hat and head band as background as well!

  2. Hi Citrine,

    I love the promo visuals as they always make the items look so elaborate and tempting! Sometimes the background props look even prettier than the makeup items, like the round candle holder in the pic with the trial set.

    Yeah, that comb is quite pricey. Bet Etude House or some Korean brand will soon have a cheap knock off of it.

  3. i LOVE anna sui! the hair treatment looks so good!!! (^o^)/

  4. The hair oil sounds interesting. But honestly, it's the packaging that gets to me. I'm such a sucker for cute packaging. :)


  5. I like the tote bag so much!!
