Tuesday 21 April 2009

Majolica Majorca Innocent Pleasure

Majolica Majorca has updated its website with its new summer collection, Innocent Pleasure featuring the model as Eve playing in the Garden of Eden.

Here's the breakdown of products used in the two looks:

Jeweling Eyes PK785
Lash Expander Frame Plus
Rouge Majex PK313
Cheek Customize PK333
Artistic Nails GR140, BK999 and GR444

Jeweling Eyes GR780 Olive
Lash Expander Frame Plus
Rouge Majex OR317
Cheek Customize OR211
Artistic Nails YE242 and OR203

Swatches of the eyeshadows can be viewed on this Iswii blog post. Frankly, I was disappointed by the run-of-the-mill shade combinations and preponderance of pale and pastel shades, which limits the versatility of these palettes. It feels like these shades have been done to death by MM and other Japanese brands and so even though it's rare for MM to release 8 eyeshadow palettes at a go, the collection as a whole does not seem particularly inspired.

Majolica Majorca is currently also running a contest on its website (only for Japan) in which the winner will get to name a Jeweling Eyes palette to be released in the future. Wouldn't that be cool?


  1. Some of the palettes doesn't look that impressive.

  2. You're right. The new palettes look similar to the ones released previously.

  3. The swatches are disappointing, they looked more promising before :P I think I will pass on this collection unless I get inspired by others!
