Tuesday 14 April 2009

Sightings at Kinokuniya

Dropped by the Kinokuniya store in Ngee Ann City at noon today and they had a big stack of the May issue of Spring (S$14.90) with the gold Paul & Joe Sister cat charm freebie. Do get it before it's sold out again! They also have the May issue of Biteki (with the Doraemon case), Voce, the Jill Stuart mook (saw only 1 copy on display) and the May issue of Allure with Blake Lively on the cover.

I got Allure, Vogue and these Mamegoma stickers :-)


  1. hee I was there in the evening

  2. i couldnt find the mag, is it usually near the cher mags?

  3. Are you referring to Spring? It's in the Japanese women's magazine section. The Jill Stuart Mook is placed in the mook section, closer to the Japanese manga section and not in the magazine section.

  4. Cute stickers!! I <3 Mamegoma.

  5. Oh no! I actually thought of going down yesterday but was tired after work so went home instead. Maybe I'll go down to Kino today.

  6. I wish I get that Spring. Well, but I don't have a thing for cat. Please... sometimes, make things in a dog's shape.

  7. i found it! Thank u very much! :)

  8. i went to kino nac today, but didn't see the may issue of allure, only saw april with taylor swiff on the cover

    ah well the cheapest place to buy allure is still page one

  9. Hi Laetitia,

    I was puzzled too 'cos there were only 3 or 4 copies of the May issue of Allure and many more copies of the April issue. I think maybe it comes in different shipments?

    The May issue of Vogue I bought was also priced differently from the shipment that came in just a couple of days later. I got my copy at $8.90 but two days later, it was selling at $10+. And the $10+ copy looked smaller than normal!

  10. kinokuniya is a wonderful place but the mag price and the other items is @__@
    cute stickers <3

  11. haru, guess you were one of the lucky ones ;)

    actually i was surprised that you got the may issue of allure, cos my april issue says that the may issue is out on april 21

    i prefer to get at Page one cos its cheaper, i paid $8.30 for the april issue
