Sunday 5 April 2009

TSS Random Acts of Colors

Here are close-up pics of the limited edition Random Acts of Colors collection by The She Space, which was released a couple of month agos. Unfortunately, the collection is no longer available but TSS always comes up with new collections every month so there's always something to look forward to.

I usually order the full sample pack as they are such affordable fun. The full RAOC sample pack costs less than what a full-size MAC pigment. Plus the shelf life of the pigments is extremely long so I don't feel any pressure in having to use them up by a certain expiry date.

Tall Drink of Water

Modest Envy

Much Less Daunting

Over-rated Perfection


Clean Living

Trophy Wife

Name Dropper

Cranky Pants

Trolling for Hotties

Broken Wings

Witches of Wit

Paper Dolls

Sour Grapes

Bold and Beautiful

Too Eccentric

Miss Defiant

Clearly Psychotic

Shake And Groove Thing

Hap Hazard

The Astrology collections are available throughout the year with a new collection debuting every month. In yesterday's post, I mistakenly included Clean Living in the Aquarius collection instead of Call Me Fish Girl but I've corrected it.


  1. Hi Iris;
    May I know when did you placed your TSS order and when you received it? I placed mine on March 10 but mine hasn't arrive yet :(. Thanks!

  2. love the way you took pics of these shadows.. u got me itching to try them out... thank goodness I have them already. LOL!

  3. WOW! These shades are really sooooooooooooo pretty! The green and pink totally caught my eye but the blues, really really nice.

  4. Wow, those colors are gorgeous!

  5. Dear Cavano,

    I placed my order on 26 Feb and it shipped on 6 March. I received it in end-March, can't remember the exact date.

  6. Thanks for your info, I guess mine should arrive any day soon (hopefully :p).
    Btw have you post your pics on the TSS forum? You SHOULD! Cause they are totally pro and so alluring lol. I bet Heather will love them!!

  7. beautiful! love all the greens and blues and i also like cranky pants. (love that name too)

  8. Really the most eye-catching and brilliant colours I've ever seen. Beautiful!

    Hope to see more of your FOTDs using these superb colours.^^


  9. Dear Cavano,

    Yes, I've been posting the pics on the TSS message board too :-) My username over there is haru.

    Dear Jojoba,
    I was also looking very much forward to Cranky Pants 'cos of the name but it turned out to have the tiniest amount of product in the ziplock baggie! My other samples had 3-5 times as much product.

    Dear S,
    Thanks for your kind comment! I'll try to post more EOTDs when I have the time. Sorry, I don't do FOTDs as I don't like the mean comments that people post here sometimes bashing the state of my skin. I prefer to avoid those pointless nastiness altogether.

  10. ooh thanks for the offer to go shopping!if u have suggestions please let me know too ^^

  11. Oops, sorry typo error. I mean EOTDs, hahaha. Thanks for correcting me.

    Oh, and I don't know people will actually bash others on their skin condition(???) That's kind of wierd...^^;;

