Thursday 7 May 2009

Isetan Private Sale

Get those credit cards ready, ladies, 'cos Isetan Private Sale is back on 14 May (Thursday) from 8.30am to 10pm! There will be the usual GWPs galore with extra gifts for Isetan Cardmembers, plus 10% rebate vouchers with purchase of $100 of cosmetics and fragrance and on every subsequent $50 purchase. Good time to pick up those new Dior palettes! But surprisingly, no new GWPs from Paul & Joe, Givenchy or Anna Sui.

Check out the sale newsletter here!


  1. Toshiko Kadir8 May 2009 at 08:31

    I found your beauty blog by sheer accident and have subscribed for almost half a year and it's my first time writing to you. I find you so concise, clear and a joy to receive your updates.
    Due to your blog about The She Space, I went ahead to get some colours and they turned out to be fantastic. I also thought you'd like to know I tried out their Cashmere stockings and found them so good, I'm getting the regular size instead of samplings.
    Thanking you for converting me into a MakeUp Junkie.

  2. Dear Toshiko,

    Thank you for your kind comments, I'm always very happy to hear from readers who enjoy reading my blog! It means a lot to me that my efforts are appreciated by others :-)

    I'm glad to hear that you liked The She Space products! I haven't tried the Cashmere Stockings myself but I'll definitely get some later this year, when I've made more headway in finishing up my current stash of face powders!
