Wednesday 27 May 2009

On hiatus

Rouge Deluxe will be on hiatus indefinitely as I'm going through some personal issues and need a rest from beauty blogging. My sincere apologies to my regular readers and everyone who has taken the time to leave a comment and chat with me here.


  1. Good luck,hope things get better:-)

  2. Hmm.. Pls take care... Take a rest, breathe deeply..slow down a while...and I hope things will turn out to be better for you...

  3. hope everything is ok sweets!
    email me if i can help in anyway


  4. *hugs* Aw, Iris, I hope things will get better for you. I hope the hiatus will be mentally and spiritually refreshing. Take care, dear. :)

  5. will wait for u to be back !

  6. Take your time and do what you need to do. Sending you a BIG hug. Take care!


  7. will be waiting for you to come back!
    good luck!

  8. dear iris,

    hope everything goes well for you! no need to apologise at all. have really enjoyed your blog tremendously, and really appreciate that you took all the time to post and maintain this wonderful blog.

    take care and all the best!!

  9. Get well soon!

    I'll still be here waiting for you. :) You're one of my favorite bloggers!

    See you soon!

  10. Hi Haru,
    I hope that you are doing well and that you can solve the issues quickly. Take good care of yourself!
    x Wendy

  11. Aww, I'll miss your posts! :( There are only a handful of blogs that exclusively cover Japanese- brand cosmetics, so there will be a big hole while you're away. I hope everything works out, whatever it is you're going through. Thanks for all the info and eye candy! :)

  12. Not to worry Haru. I'll support you whatever you are going thru'. Take care & all the best!

  13. hey do take care.. your blog is almost a daily constant for me, and i always look forward to your updates! hope you return to blogging soon after things tide over..


  14. I'll miss your blog so much; it's really been a great resource for me to learn about all the new Japanese MU collections. Take care, and I hope everything works out well for you *hugs.*

  15. Oh daer... I'm quite a silent reader, but have enjoyed reading your blog for the past year... Will be missing your updates! Do take care, and hope that all is well soon! *hugs*

  16. take care! waiting for u to be back...

  17. hi haru, hope things work out for you :)


  18. Hi Iris,

    Please take care, i'm sure everything will be alright in the end and you will be greatly missed!!!!


  19. You and Rouge Deluxe will definitely be missed. Visiting your blog had been a daily ritual for me. If I don't, it feels just as weird as not checking my emails.

    Hope everything goes well and smoothly for you. Best of luck!

    Lots of love and well wishes. =D

  20. Do take care.
    Enjoyed your blog a lot.

  21. Please take care. Hope your personal issues resolve well.

  22. Graclyn aka Blueice29 May 2009 at 10:30

    Take good care of yourself.. Hope all's gonna be well for you... :)

  23. Hi Iris, sorry to hear about your personal issues. Please take care.

  24. Hey Girl

    I will miss your posts! Whatever your problem may be, I am here for you. Just want you to know you seem like a great person and great people always get through everything.

    Thank you


  25. Do take care and I'll definitely miss your blog.

  26. I hope everything will be okay! Will definitely miss your posts!!

  27. hi haru,

    i read your blog almost everyday, and will miss it.
    take care, and hope to see you back blogging.

    best wishes, mich

  28. I have greatly enjoyed your blog for a long time, and am sorry to see you go. I hope things work out in your life. Thank you for the entertainment, and knowledge, that you blog has given us (your readers).

  29. Hope everything works out for you. I will be waiting for your return! ^^ Take it easy and take care!

  30. You'll be missed, Iris. I hope your issues resolve quickly for you. Take care of yourself and you'll be in my thoughts. We'll all be waiting for you when you come back!

  31. will definitely miss your posts, hope you feel better soon. take care! :)

  32. Hi, I've come to make your blog my staple of reads perhaps only in the past month. Even though I'm a silent reader and I've come by it so recent, I hope --like all those posters above me-- that you'll be able to pull through it. Do take care and all the best!

    Till then, G.
