Friday 8 May 2009


My buddy, Kathi over at Lotus Palace tagged me with this questionnaire so here are my answers! :-)

1. Respond and rework: Answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.
2. Tag eight other people.

What is your current obsession?
I've got a few! Lush bodycare, Yankee & Archipelago Botanical candles, my new LeSportSac Beauty Girl bag.

What is your weirdest obsession?
Buying magazines for the freebies instead of the contents of the mags.

What are you wearing today?
Blue sleeveless tank top and grey and black striped cardigan from Zara, burgundy slim skirt and Adidas flats that I bought on my recent New Delhi trip.

What's your favorite comfort food?
Starbucks green tea latte, Ben & Jerry's Coffee Coffee BuzzBuzzBuzz! and ONE Chocolate Brownie Ice Cream, KFC Zinger burger, Old Chang Kee curry puffs, potato chips, Marks & Spencer biscuits, roti prata, cheesecake, onion rings. Basically, I'm a terrible junk food junkie. I sometimes have only ice cream for dinner.

What would make today special?
If my boyfriend were to come home for good. I HATE long-distance relationships but always seem to end up in them.

What would you like to learn to do?
Resist lemmings so I can save more money.

What's the last thing you bought?
More Yankee candle votives and an oil burner from Tangs.

What are you listening to right now?
"Happy Home" by Garbage

What is your favorite weather?
Cool and breezy. I don't like heat or extreme cold.

What is your most challenging goal right now?
Leaving my cushy job to do something I'd be more passionate about.

What do you think about the person who tagged you?
A very dear friend, even though we've only met once, and awesome beauty blogger who is THE authority on Japanese and Korean makeup and skincare!

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Tokyo, my shopping and gourmet paradise.

If you could swap lives with anyone for one day who would it be and why?
Michelle Obama. I want her toned arms, height and kick-ass wardrobe!

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
New Delhi, where my boyfriend is.

Which languages do you speak/did you learn?
English, Mandarin and very poor Japanese.

Which language do you wanna learn?
French and Spanish.

What do you look for in a friend?
Honesty, integrity, sense of humor, humility.

What's your favorite type of music?
Pop music. I adore Tori Amos, Jewel, Kelly Clarkson, Garbage, Aimee Mann, Adele and Pink.

What's your dream job?
Having my own Lush store!

If you had $100 now what would you spend on it?
Another LeSportSac Beauty Girl bag.

Things you wish you could change in the past?
Eating healthier and exercising more frequently.

Fashion Pet Peeve?
Shoes that are so pretty to look at but impossible to walk for more than 5 minutes in.

Do you admire anyone's style?
Sarah Jessica Parker.

Describe your personal style.
Casual, comfortable, feminine.

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Ben and Jerry's Coffee Coffee BuzzBuzzBuzz! Love the coffee chips :-)

What's your favorite makeup brand?
Used to be MAC and Stila. Now, it's Jill Stuart and Paul & Joe. I cannot survive on just using one brand alone as I like many different products from various brands and always love to try out new stuff.

What makeup do you use a lot?
Jill Stuart, MAC, Paul & Joe, Dior, Canmake, Majolica Majorca, Awake, Lunasol.

Do you get enough beauty sleep? Yes or no? Why?
I get about 6 hours each night, which is usually enough. Anyway, I can sleep when I'm dead ;-p

Why did you start your (beauty) blog?
So that I could post news and reviews about Japanese makeup collections in one place instead of MakeupAlley and Cozycot, where they quickly get buried.

What do you think is the best feature about yourself?
Physically, my shoulders. Personality-wise, that I'm straightforward and don't pretend to like people/things just to be agreeable.

The 5 beauty products you use most often.
1. Dior Pearly White Meteorites
2. Paul & Joe lipsticks
3. Lancome Maquicake UV Infinite Powder Foundation
4. Mascara (currently it's Rimmel Sexy Curves)
5. MAC Cork as brow powder

I'd like to tag the two lovely Singaporean beauty bloggers that I met this week: pinky"the-middle-name-is-princess"beanie from Pour Toujours Ete and aichaku from Aichaku Beautification!


  1. Wow, neat answers, I enjoyed reading em! Is the Rimmel Sexy Curves your favorite right now? I just came across hearing about this mascara on youtube from another blogger saying that it's her absolute fave too, what a coincidence! And humility, that's probably the word I was looking for, instead of good sportsmanship, but maybe it's the same thing xD

  2. Hi,

    The Rimmel Sexy Curves is quite good except that it does smudge a bit after several hours of wear (I use the non-waterproof version). I like that the brush comes out of the tube fairly clean instead of being glooped up with gobs of mascara like most other mascara brands. Application is also quite easy and it builds decent length and definition.

  3. Wow, it's so cool that you participated!! Love your answers! =D

  4. Oh my goddd, I so miss Old Chang Kee curry puffs!!! When I used to make a stop in Spore on the way back to US, I always stock up 20 of them and carry it in the plane. lol. I need my mom to bring me some this summer. Yummie....I miss so many foods in Spore. Also mee goreng Indian at Clark Quay. I don't know if it's still exist now. hahaha

  5. Love Paul & Joe too, especially the lippies :) Thank you for your previous reply about the Muji drawers!
