Sunday 21 June 2009

Kit Kat Galore!

Picked up these flavours of KitKat at the newly expanded Jurong Point shopping mall today for a good friend who lives in the US and doesn't have access to these goodies.

The flavours are Lemon Vinegar, Apple Vinegar, Tiramisu, Green Tea, Strawberry, Cookies and Jasmine Tea. I tried the first two and couldn't taste any vinegar in them at all so they're not that exotic after all! I thought the lemon one could have been better if it was more tart rather than sweet. The Jasmine Tea is my favourite because of its delicate fragrance. It doesn't actually have much of a tea flavour, but is more chocolatey.


  1. omg! so much kit kats!!! i dont like normal american kit kats but the jap ones r sooo good! specially the new cookie one!!

  2. Wooo, your friend is lucky! I wish I can swap for Japanese Kit-Kats, or just foreign foods in general. I want to try the famous Tam-Tams from Australia!

  3. OMG ! im so gonna eat them,if they were here.loll

  4. Hehehe, that's so cool! We only have boring kit kats over here.

  5. I was at the Hokkaido Food Fair at Isetan Supermarket on Sat. It was so packed!! I managed to tried out the curry bread, different flavours croquette & squid stuffed with rice.
