Friday 5 June 2009

The She Space One Little Dress Part II

Here's the second part of The She Space One LIttle Dress collection, which is still available for order here. My favourites are Lit Up Lisa and Rockin' Out with Rachel.

Lit Up Lisa

Loved by Josh

She's Just So Julie

Spiral Kickin' Kara

She's Simply Sasha

The Maiden Marcey

Widdles and Waddles

Peggy Pushed Polly

Little Sue Sunshine

Lazy Day with Kay

Sparkles by Pearl

Leslie in Leather

My Soulz A Keeper

Love That Lynne

Queenie of the Cats

Rockin' Out with Rachel

Laura Loves Life


  1. Besides Too Face Shadow Insurance, anyone can tell me if there is another good eyeshadow base in the market.

  2. Hi,

    You should check out:

    1. T'estimo Eye Bright Up Base
    2. Urban Decay Primer Potion
    3. Lunasol Eyelid Base N

  3. hi Haru, is T'estimo Eye Bright Up Base still available in the market? Is Revue Foundation also still selling in japan?
    I wrote to Kanebo previously about not discontinuing Revue and they replied that my other alternative is Coffret D'or.

  4. Hi,
    Both Testimo Eye Bright Up Base and Revue foundations are still sold in drugstores in Japan. Coffret D'Or has replaced Revue and Testimo as Kanebo's main drugstore line but Revue and Testimo had many loyal customers so Kanebo decided to continue selling them but the two brands are no longer advertised or promoted.
