Tuesday 2 June 2009

The She Space Taurus

I received my latest The She Space order of pigment samples a few weeks ago and finally got around to photographing the first batch today. This is the Taurus collection from the Astrology series. It's a lovely pink-themed collection ranging from the palest baby pink to deep violet with a couple of bronzey shades thrown in.

Oh You Jealous Girl

Outright Affection

Indulgent Appetite

Hard Headed

Faith Without Words

That's Love Baby

Traditional Taurus

Determined Enemy

Little Explosions

Comfortably Crazy

Socially Secure

Kissing Egos

A full set of samples costs just US$6. To save on shipping, I usually wait for a couple of Astrology collections to be released and then order it along with the latest limited edition collection. The She Space currently takes about one week to ship out your order. After that, it usually takes about 2 weeks to reach me.


  1. The pigments looks great!

  2. so pretty! my eyes are on Socially Secure and kissing egos!

  3. The Taurus Collection looks gorgeous. Must check out what the Gemini collection looks like. :)

    So good to see you back. Hope you are doing well! :)


  4. BTW, Steady & Sweet magazines issue 6 2nd shipment has arrived at Kino, Ngee Ann City. Also, L'Officel magazine this mth at Kino is giving away an Estebel sun cream for face & body with SPF25.
