Tuesday 9 June 2009


Today's haul from Isetan... no, not more makeup but snacks! I got black pepper and mayonnaise-flavoured chips, Caramel Corn in green tea and brown sugar syrup flavour and Kit Kat in jasmine tea flavour!


  1. Nyom nyom nyom! Please post more of your snacks haul. I hope I can find those chips in one of the local Japanese grocery stores. Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. is the kitkat good?!?!? have u tried the cookie one?!

  3. lol, they come up with the weirdest kitkat flavours! Here peanut flavor butter is about as exotic as it can get =X

  4. I like Japanese biscuits & snacks too. Thanks for sharing.

  5. i love caramel corn, but my fav flavour is strawberry :)

  6. hi there! How was the Jasmine tea flavour KitKat? NIce? I've got a friend who told me she got the greentea one from Japan and it tasted like medicine to her!

  7. Hi,

    The Jasmine Tea Kit Kat was actually quite nice! The jasmine flavour is very light and it's more of a scent that you smell when eating the Kit Kat, rather than taste. The taste is still very much chocolate, unlike the green tea Kit Kat which has a much stronger tea flavour.

    I think I've tried the cookie one before, but it wasn't very memorable.
