Wednesday 10 June 2009

Steady x Rebecca Taylor

The July issue of Steady landed at Kinokuniya today and I wasted no time in picking it up, primarily for the Rebecca Taylor 3-way mirror that comes with its own nylon zip pouch.

The mirror has a flip-out part that enables it to stand on its own. What's interesting about the mirror is that the bottom half of the large mirror in the middle actually enlarges your reflection, which is useful for closely examining your pores or applying mascara/eyeliner. I don't know if this is just the mirror that I got or if they are all made like that. The side mirrors are "normal".

However, when I was peeling off the protective plastic seals, the mirrors actually lifted from the plastic casing at the corners, which makes me wonder how sturdy the whole thing is. So I would not leave this lying around if you have young children.

The magazine retails for S$17.20 at Kinokuniya, or if you have the members' card, it costs just S$15.50.

The August issue is even more of a must-get as it comes with a Rebecca Taylor lunch tote measuring 16.5x19x10cm! This issue is due out on 7 July in Japan.


  1. roughly when will aug issue arrive in sg? thanks

  2. Hi,
    Kino's air shipment days are Wednesdays and Fridays. Since 7 July is a Tuesday, the magazine will probably arrive at Kino in SIngapore on 8 July Wednesday but you may also want to confirm with the Kino Japanese magazine counter staff.

  3. I saw the Steady magz too but decide to skip this issue & wait for the next. I bought ef magz issue 6(Taiwan) instead. There is a booklet attached that features summer trends & makeup. They were using brown, yellow, green & blue eyeshawdows in the pics. Never know I can apply them these ways. May give it a try.

  4. The mirror looks very cute, love the kitties!

  5. measurements of the tote is quite small? like a lunchtime bento bag size?

  6. Hi,

    Yup, the bag is meant to be a lunch tote, just enough to put a small snack box and bottle.

  7. Hi, I got my mirror too and I find the center part is the "enlarge" mirror while the 2 sides are normal ones. I think when you lift the back piece for the mirror to stand, you can actually see the back of the mirror through the hole and can push the whole thing out. lol.

    Mine is alright, cant expect much for a giveaway. I dont think I'll get the Aug issue, dont really fancy the prints of the tote, wish they are more whimsical.

    Did you get the Spring issue with the Snoopy tote? or the InRed one? So many totes..... :)


  8. Hi,

    I didn't get the Spring or InRed mags with the totes as I didn't find the designs that appealing. I usually go for the magazine freebies that are by Paul & Joe, Jill Stuart and Rebecca Taylor.

  9. Wow.. I saw this at kino last sunday and was debating whether to get it or not..

    The Aug freebie looks so cute. will definitely get it..

    IMO it looks nicer than the nice Paul&Joe tote. Which seems more exotic

  10. Hi Haru,

    Good thing that you reviewed the Rebecca Taylor 3-way mirror. I was planning to get it at my local Kino store. But I have a very naughty and mischievous little girl....guess even if I had bought it, it will only stay in my drawer. I'll be too afraid to bring it out to use ;)
