Tuesday 15 September 2009

Esprique Precious Xmas Coffret

Esprique Precious teamed up with Cosme.net, which is Japan's largest beauty product review website, in designing its 2009 Christmas coffret. Through surveys and feedback sessions with Cosme.net members, Esprique Precious came up with this winning set that is perfect for the party season. The limited edition set includes a Face Color, case, brush, Nail Color N, Glamorous Glossy Eyes and a Dress On Glossy Rouge. It will be released on 16 November in Japan. My guess is that this will sell quite quickly as it is definitely by far the most attractive Xmas coffret Esprique Precious has released in its short history.


  1. Hi Haru,

    Thanks for sharing the latest information! I agree the 2009 EP coffret is the cutest one so far.

  2. Hi Haru
    Thanks for Esprique update. we have one at Taka as the news is out, till now i didn't find anything interesting. i wonder if you grabbed any Esprique product from Taka these days? i remember when u first posted on this, u say u are saving up $ for something else..any update on ur loot on esprique?


  3. Hi Nobi,

    Nope, I haven't bought anything from Esprique Precious as I just have too much makeup as it is, so I'm trying to be more controlled in my purchases. Their stuff does look tempting!
