Wednesday 9 September 2009

InRed & Steady

If you were hoping to get the October issues of Steady and InRed from Kinokuniya today for the Agnes B. and Marc Jacobs Daisy freebies, well...tough luck. All the copies at all 3 branches of Kino have sold out or been reserved despite today being the first day of of release of the mags in Singapore. I called the Ngee Ann City store around 4pm but all had been snapped up.

Pretty silly of Kino not to have anticipated the high demand for these mags by ordering more copies than usual (I think they only bring in 10 copies or less for Steady and InRed which are not as popular as say, CanCam, Voce etc). (Edited to add: Kino is bringing in more copies possibly on this Friday so do call the store to check if you want them.) There should be a sea shipment in a few weeks but I decided to get them through a friend in Japan rather than trying my luck at Kino again.


  1. Hey Kenji,
    I ordered both Steady and InRed already from Amazon Japan and a friend will be sending them to me (no postage costs), so don't worry about it! Thanks!

  2. I was at the Ngee Ann City store at 2.10pm, and everything was all gone (reserved or sold to walk-in customers).

    I decided to try my luck at the Kino over @ Bugis and there were 3 people in the queue when i got here at 3.40pm. The store officially started selling at 4pm, and I think by then, there were about 6 or 7 people in the queue.

    The Agnes B really looks alot smaller than on the video clip. I didn't get the InRed, and now I'm kicking myself for passing that up!

  3. Hi,

    Wow, didn't know the demand was that hot! Luckily I didn't waste my time going down to Kino. They are bringing in more copies, so do call them again if you want InRed.

  4. Me too. I was at Bugis, by my turn, they told the lady in front got last copy, so no more!

    i noted got one lady buying more than 2 copies at a go. i tot they limited to 2 per pax.


  5. Hi, I cal the taka store at 2pm n bugis store at 4pm. They say out of stock. So sad. Can't get it. Dun knw fri can get anot. Hai.

  6. I also called up Kinokuniya@Ngee Ann City at around 3plus and was informed that both magazines were already out of stock. Have never encountered this situation before. I only managed to reserve a copy of InRed at the Bugis branch when I finally got through their line at slightly past 4pm. Guess I've to call up Kinokuniya (NAC) on Friday or wait for the sea shipment for the Steady magazine.

  7. I thought most ppl would anticipate these 2 to sell fast as the free gift bears a branded name to it. I didn't bother to go down to Kino too. I'm actually waiting to get a larger tote bag. Either the Cath Kidston mook or the Jill Stuart large tote with CanCam magz. Also, the Gucci namecard holder that comes with Numero may also be good.

  8. Haru
    i think maybe the kino in Liang court would have it? maybe u can try there?

  9. oops sorry Haru! i am the poster just a second ago..regarding checking in liang court branch. sorry, i just realize this branch is closing down soon, sorry.

  10. hi,
    The Liang Court branch is closing down? I didn't know that. Guess it's out of the way for most people unlike the Ngee Ann City store. Thanks for the info! I'm getting the mags from Japan through a friend :-)

  11. hi, can i knw if buy fr Amazon Japan , the shipping is per book chrg? thks

  12. Hi,
    Yes, for magazines, it is the per book charge. So it is a flat base charge of 1900yen plus 300yen per item. But if you ship within Japan, there is free shipping for purchase of above 1500yen. Amazon Japan has already sold out of Steady but it has InRed.

  13. i see u have already gotten ur issues
    but if it doesnt happen, let me know?
    there are plenty in the supermarket downstairs [i just picked mine up on the way home]

    yup i just got home today
    will email u later dear!!!

  14. Liang Court is not closing down. In fact it has just been renovated. The higest chance of getting your favourite Japanese Magazines is in fact at Liang court

  15. Hi ytd I cal bugis , they say start at 2pm. But just nw I r at 2pm. The person say 4pm then start. I nv wait. Will wait for next shipment. But bugis say next shipment oso all reserved oso. But ngee Ann city dun let ppl reserve. So many ppl buying.

  16. hi haru, can check wit u, yr friend fr japan send u the magazine , will the shipping ex? cos i tel someone to send to me. the shipping for two magazine abt usd15. thks. but cant find the steady. sad..

  17. Hi,
    My friend is passing the mags to me directly so I don't have to pay shipping costs. But US$15 for 2 mags from Japan sounds reasonable as postage in Japan is not cheap in the first place.

  18. HI Haru,
    Can check with you if I can readily buy the magazinf 'Numero' from supermarkets or convenience stores in Tokyo?

    Thanks alot!!

  19. Hi,
    The convenience stores carry a limited selection of magazines, so it's hard to say if Numero can be easily found. You'd probably have better luck at a bookstore rather than a convenience store.
