Sunday 29 November 2009

Bobbi Brown Mini Shimmer Bricks

I'm still waiting for the Bobbi Brown trio of mini Shimmer Bricks to arrive in Singapore. You can see real-life pics of these on The Beauty Look Book.

Sandstone is actually a re-promote as it was previously released in summer 2007, according to MakeupAlley's Productville. This looks too pale and washed out for my liking so I'd probably skip it.

Plum looks like it will make a gorgeous berry-toned blush.

Nectar will be released again in the Cabana Corals collection in January/February so it's more worthwhile to wait until spring to get it in the normal size and packaging which is cheaper (US$38) than the mini version in the chrome packaging which is US$45.

I have collected 6 Shimmer Bricks to date, three are packaged on their own while the other three are part of a Shimmer Brick and Lip Kit that includes a top layer of 4 lip shades. To be honest, I hardly ever reach for these. Nevertheless, the collector in me tends to want every new limited edition shade that Bobbi Brown puts out. I'm like this with MAC Mineralize Skin Finishes too but MSFs are a much cheaper indulgence. Milani also makes a much cheaper dupe but the quality and texture is quite different from Bobbi Brown Shimmer Bricks.



Platinum Pink




I'm resolving to use one of these babies every day for the next week but it'll probably be years before I ever hit pan on one of these. Are there any makeup items that you collect but also hardly ever use? If so, do leave a comment and tell me about it!


  1. Hey, i have the exact one on this link

    Used it few times only and still catching dust. Bought it for 30+ Wud u be interested in it? :P

  2. I have this Bobbi brown lip and eye palette,used less than 10 times becoz firstly i dont even know how to apply eyeshadow, bought for 95, can sell for 70(nego), its limited edition so cant be found anymore
    Do drop me an email at If you are interested

  3. Nice lot of shimmerbricks ! I collect lots of face powder, foundation, blushers, eyeshadows and lipsticks but i always reach for the same one !

  4. I have tons of MSF's and I might never reach the pan either, since I have about 25 of those! I like the shimmer bricks, but have 0 of them.

  5. OMG so true!!!! i never hit pan on anything!! the only thing i'm hitting pan is an estee lauder GWP blush i got centuries ago! lol and its not like i'm seeing much of the pan either haha

    i actually just got myself a shimmer brick in pink :) i'm loving it but its probably the only one i'm getting in my lifetime ;) its 10g!!!

  6. Thanks for the offers, but I only buy brand new makeup.

    Hi Beauty Runway,
    I think I just have too much of everything (foundation, powder, blush, eyeshadows, lip stuff) but I do try to rotate through the brands in my collection. Recently, it's been mostly Lunasol, Jill Stuart, Paul & Joe though.

    Hi Wendy,
    I think I have about 15 MSFs! I passed on a few, mostly the bronzey/golden ones. I really should use these more often too.

    I'm actually hitting pan on a Benefit and a RMK powder foundation and should be finishing them up soon :-)

  7. I find the shimmer bricks and also MAC's MSFs too shimmery for me... if I want a bit of shimmer to go over my blush I personally use the Dior shimmer powders... I have all four colours :) I collect mostly eyeshadow, and have hit pan on one Clinique duo and my daily hilight shade, but everything else... I'll have for a while, haha.

  8. I collected couple of shimmerbrick and MSF. The one and only one that hit the pan is the natural MSF!

  9. lay the bricks! wow you are incredible~~ what an eye candy

    hav fun using them got have to!!

    recently i got too many gold bronze brown eyeshadows.. palettes and single :P

    i managed to hit stila's quad! i finished most of fdt powder & creme, my shu blusher, brow pencil..

    but i'm lousy at lippie product..never once finished them LOL

  10. Hi Haru,

    I was about to leave a comment on my personal obsessive compulsion makeup item purchases, when I saw your reply saying that you own 15 MSFs, which really makes mine pale in comparison. I have a thing with the Coffret D'or eyeshadows since Spring 08 and I don't expect myself to ever hit pan on any of them as well. This space feels like a confessional for us all.

  11. yes, i bought alot of jill stuart stuff from my last couple of trips to taiwan and hk only to find out i couldnt possibly use them all.

    so i started giving away as presents and now started a blog to sell :)

  12. I really love your peony shimmerbrick! I hope one of these days bb will do a repromote of Peony. It's such a unique shade compared to the rest of the collection.

  13. i love collecting lipsticks. i can buy similar shades in 100001 colors and i dont use them. HAHAHA, bad habit. and they are always pink in color.

  14. Hi Cheryl,

    I used to collect MAC lipglasses until they started going bad and then I stopped buying so many of them. Luckily, I can 'back to MAC' them (if you take 6 recyclable MAC product packaging back to MAC, they give you a free lipstick) so it's not a total waste. Now, I have too many Paul & Joe lipsticks but I use these almost every day so at least they are not just gathering dust!

    Hi Laura,
    I wasn't into Coffret D'Or at all until I fell in love with the eyeshadow palette that they put out for Summer '09. I have the purple palette and love it! Still thinking about whether to get the blue/green palette.

    Hi shopaholic,
    There's quite a lot of demand for Jill Stuart stuff in Singapore so I'm sure you'll have no problem selling the stuff.

    Peony is my favourite Shimmer Brick too! It's the most flattering blush out of all the Shimmer Bricks that I have. Think I picked it up at the Cosmetics Company Outlet in Woodbury near New York City.

    Hi Agnes,
    I have a MAC MSF Natural too but gave up using it after about 5 times as I wasn't very impressed by the finish. It didn't seem to last very well. Mine is gathering dust in my cabinet ;-p

  15. Oh dear, I also have too many makeup items which I purchase for my private collection and hardly ever touch them, let alone use them. A crazy habit....

    I really don't know how to list them all down.

  16. Lovely shimmer bricks! I got sucked into the allure of SB but seriously I never hit the pan for anything. I have only Peony and Rose but I find that I reach for Peony more than Rose.

  17. If you think you'll never finish it...maybe...blogsale?
