Saturday 14 November 2009

EOTD: Lunasol Dazzling Night

My friend, Michelle, asked for an EOTD using Lunasol Star Shower #3 Dazzling Night so this is for her :-) The midnight blue and blue-toned black shades are intensely pigmented but they don't make my eyes look bruised.

The instructions in the box recommend using your finger to apply the shimmery base shade (bottom left) so that's what I did before laying the midnight blue and blue-toned black shades over it. I also used a light blue shade from another Lunasol palette in the crease for more of a gradational effect.

The palette is excellent for creating a smoky look and is probably more suited to evenings and parties than to the office. I liked how the blue-toned black helped to define my eyes and made them look bigger, without the need for a separate eyeliner. The textures of the eyeshadows are also silky without being too powdery so I didn't have any problems with loose particles falling on my cheeks during application and over the hours that I wore it.


  1. Wow! Very nice smokey eyes.. =)

  2. Wow, that´s gorgeous! I have to admit that the Star Shower Eyes palette I have is one of the best Lunasol released. Much better than the Blooming/Layer Bloom Eyes. =D

  3. That's totally hot!!!

  4. Hi Jessy,
    Thanks for your comment :-)

    Hey Kathi,
    I'm very surprised by how much I'm liking the Star Shower Eyes! When I first saw them online, I thought that they would just be another muted series like Layer Bloom Eyes but the pigment in these is intense and really lives up to the name. I'm so tempted to get the rest of the series but I'd probably stick with getting more use out of the current two Star Shower palettes that I have.

  5. Woah, it really looks great! I want to get one but still rather undecided about which color...hope I don't end up getting more than 1 palette haha...

  6. I *heart* this palette ! All the colours so pretty ..

  7. Thanks Iris! WOW! Lunasol Dazzling Night looks AWESOME on you! I love how shade gradation and how the blue doesn't look bruised. This is a great palette for smokey eyes! I am not a fan of black smokey eyes, it makes me look like I have really bad dark circles but tihs is so refreshing! I am off to get this palette now! :D

  8. I'm surprised at how good this palatte looks on you, Iris!! I thought I can safely give this a miss but after seeing your eotd, it definately is getting me to rethink all over again. In fact, I'm so undecided to get palatte 1, 3 or 4 now. I hope I don't end up getting all three!!
