Sunday 15 November 2009

Gransenbon Mix Blush

Spotted this new Gransenbon Mix Blush (2310yen) on the Plaza Style website. It is available in 3 combinations) (#1 French Rose, #2 Peach Apricot and #3 Caramel Latte) and comes with a brush and mirror under the lid. The cover looks amateurishly designed though, giving it a cheap feel.


  1. I agree about the case! And again, they write "Mix Brush" instead of "blush"... I know that the Japanese sometime mix those 2 letters up but I think when it´s about printing a name on my product I would double and triple check that it´s correct lol

  2. this time around the blusher seem expensive than the last one...hmm, maybe because of the different mixed color and yes, it does look cheap on the outside, i still prefer the old packaging of the older blush. It's 1890 yen if i'm not wrong for the gransenbon blush.

  3. I wonder if these blushes are as pigmented as the old ones ... esp French Rose.
