Sunday 8 November 2009

Japanese Magazine GWPs

Here's a sneak peek at the upcoming Japanese magazine supplements. The stated release dates are for Japan.

Cutie (Dec issue): Care Bears 2010 schedule book and stickers (12 November)

Non-no (#23): Suzy's Zoo pouch with heart charm (20 Nov)

More (Dec issue): Jill Stuart desk top calendar (28 Nov)

Steady (Jan 2010): Samantha Tiara multi-case (includes oil-blotting sheets) and a Relax Kuma calendar. (7 Dec)

InRed (Jan 2010): aqua girl (Japanese clothing store) multi-case and a Hello Kitty 2010 calendar (7 Dec)


  1. Wow, I'd like to live in Asia so I can get all of those GWPs! You guys are so lucky~~

  2. Multicases! I'm definitely going to get one of those. Yay, thanks for the update.

  3. Ahhhh.. so cute! I want the care bear and suzy's zoo GWP! =D Oh, plus the Jill S calender too. I have to hang around at Kino more often from now on. =)

    Thank you Iris for the tip-off! ;)

  4. Haruuuu, thanks for sharing! Im gonna get the steady magazine! Samantha Thavasa multicase looks pretty in pink!

    Will you be getting the dec issue coming out this wed?


  5. Hi Sheryl,
    I'm still thinking about the Steady with the Hbg pouches as to be honest, I really have no use for more zip pouches and these will just collect dust in my wardrobe which is already fast running out of space. I'd most probably pick up the Jill Stuart desk calendar but not the Steady with the Samantha Tiara case.

  6. the samantha tiara multicase with the calender is so tempting..hmm.. worth it or not? Gonna get my bro to purchase for me.
    Thanks for advanced tip! Cant wait.

  7. Hi,
    It looks quite worthwhile. If you can get it at the cover price, or close to it, I would say it's definitely worth getting just as a novelty item. But of course do not expect it to be the same quality as a Samantha Tiara case that one would buy in the stores.
