Saturday 7 November 2009

Lunasol Spring 2010

Check out this Chinese blog for swatches of three of the Lunasol palettes from the Spring 2010 collection. According to the review, the formula has been improved such that the eyeshadows no longer throw up a lot of loose pigment when you touch the surface with your brush/applicator. Judging by the palette names, looks like the theme for the collection is Nature.


  1. Ah what a relief! The palettes are all totally not my thing hehe =D And wow, how repetitive Lunasol has become with their color schemes!

  2. Hi Iris,
    looking forward to the spring palattes. Will be checking out the first two palattes! The third palatte reminds me of lavender coral. I'm one of those who has love hate relationship with lunasol. Love the color and shimmers. Hate the pigment fall outs. How do u deal with the fall outs all over the under eyes? I wear glasses frequently and often by mid day, my glasses are full of the fall outs too , hence has to be cleaned.

  3. Hi Janna,

    I always use an eyeshadow base before applying the powder eyeshadows. My staple is Testimo Bright Up Eye Base. I don't experience much fall out with Lunasol. Instead, I get the most fall out with Jill Stuart which has a more powdery texture. I also wear glasses so I understand what you mean about the fall out getting on the glasses! But I don't experience it much with Lunasol. Perhaps you can try using a primer? Other primers that have gotten good reviews are Urban Decay Primer Potion, Too Faced Shadow Insurance. Lunasol also has its own primer but it comes in a compact form, which is messier and less hygienic than a tube packaging.

  4. Thanks for the link! The texture of the shadows really seem to have been improved - they look so silky and smooth in the pan.

  5. Hi Iris,
    thanks for your recommendations. I like Testimo Bright Up Eye Base too but has been difficult to get my hands on it. Had asked friends to cp to me but it seems some part of japan don't carry this. Where did you get yours from? Tried Too Faced Shadow Insurance as well but it's not easy to blend and and creases the shadow if used too much. Bottomline is it also seems a bit drying on my lids which is on the dry side.Think your solution of using a good primer to preventing fall outs from Lunasol's palatte is right. My search for a suitable one continues. In the meantime, i using Beaute de Kose's Eye Fantasist in a neutral tone to make the situation a bit better.

  6. Oh wow! I am really like the pink-purple palette! It looks like a very easy to wear palette, a no brainer!
