Friday 20 November 2009

Lunasol Spring 2010

Here's the full list of products in the Lunasol Spring 2010 collection to be released on 15 January in Japan:

1. Nature Color Eyes: 5 palettes (5250yen)

2. Water Shining Eyes: 5 limited edition shades (2625yen)

3. Full Glamour Lips G: 10 shades (3150yen)

4. Full Glamour Gloss N: 5 shades (2625yen)

5. Contrasting W Lip Liner N: 3 shades (2100yen)

6. Coloring Cheeks: 3 shades (2625yen)


  1. I always like to visit your blog. Thanks for the regular updates!

    And a happy birthday to u this month ! :)

  2. Hi Yen,
    Thanks for the well wishes and kind comment :-) It's always a pleasure hearing from my readers!
