Friday 13 November 2009

Paul & Joe Wild Flowers

Found a couple more pics of the Paul & Joe spring collection on Story magazine's website. Aside from the Eye & Face Colors, the limited edition "Wild Flowers" collection to be released in January will also include three Gloss Lacquers.


  1. when i was i nyc a few days ago, lady at paul&joe counter in bergdorf goodman told me something about LE alice in wonderland......=DD anyways, cant wait!! i really need to get my hands on these lip lacquers

  2. hi
    do u know if the christmas chanel brush set is out at the local counters? or is it avail in jpn only?

  3. Hi relaxbear,
    You can see the Alice in Wonderland collection on British Beauty Blogger.

    I haven't seen any brush sets being sold at the Chanel counters in Singapore but best to check with the counter directly if they are bringing it in.

  4. Hi,
    thanks for sharing those infos, really appreciate.

    p/s: do u have any recommend make up school in singapore?


  5. ooh very pretttyyy!! will definitely head on down to the nearest store when they come out!

  6. Just gone through your blog Paul & Joe Wild Flowers. It looks impressive and your products seems to be great. Would love to rush to the nearest store and buy from your products range.

  7. Hi Flowers,
    I'm not in any way associated with Paul & Joe. I'm just a shopaholic who buys a lot of makeup! Paul & Joe is one of my favourite brands. Hope you get the chance to check it out some day!

    Hi Vy,
    Sorry, I'm not familiar with the makeup schools in Singapore. You should ask Mag over at as she has experience with them.

    Hi evie,
    I'm very excited about the collection, definitely will be checking the counters frequently for its launch!

  8. Hi Haru,
    Thanks so much =)
