Tuesday 8 December 2009


Almost every mall in Singapore has put its Christmas tree out. I love this time of the year, when the festive lights brighten up my city. Makes me smile even on days when I feel like my head is about to explode because some idiot stubbed out his cigarette on my car and left a permanent burn mark (hey, merry xmas to you too... and I hope your balls explode).

A tree made of giant (mock) Ferrero Rocher balls!


  1. oh, what an idiot to have done anything that horrific! cheer up :)

  2. So pretty! I wish my city (hell, COUNTRY) had such beautiful xmas trees!

  3. (hey, merry xmas to you too... and I hope your balls explode).

    Hi Haru! Long time reader but first time commentor *shy* Decided to finally drop a comment cuz that last 5 words had me LOL-ing literally. How inconsiderate though! *frowns* Singapore still have a long way to go if people are still behaving like that!

    Oh and I absolutely love your blog as I'm a fan of Japanese cosmetics and products too. ;) Except I prefer to oogle than buy cuz no money...*sweats* :)

  4. I understand how you feel, Christmas just makes me feel warm all over too, hehe <3

  5. Hi Cam,
    Thanks for your kind comments. Glad you enjoy the blog!

    As much as I love my country, there are still many inconsiderate and uncivilised people around. It's true that we still have a long way to go. Sigh...

  6. hmm yum to the third?! wazzit made of?

    and grrr on the car, what is WRONG with some people!


  7. can't believe that guy's such an ass!

  8. Hey Haru, I have to agree with Cam!
    You are hilarious.
    But seriously, what an idiot.
    wait. u r a S'porean right?

  9. the idiot might not even be Singaporean, so many foreigners in sg now.

  10. Had a great laugh on the last line, LOL. I had been following your blog for sometimes now but i didn't knew you had a wicked sense of humor :p Anyway, don't let this sort of people get you down, it's Xmas time soon, let the magical season brighten up your life than some uncivilised people to affect you. I also love this time of the year too and happy early merry xmas to you! :)

  11. Iris you make me laugh! *hugs*

  12. hi rene,
    Yup, I'm a true blue Singaporean :-)

    Thanks for all the comments, everyone! I was very peeved about it but well, it's happened and I guess it could have always been worse. Merry Xmas to everyone!

  13. Hi Iris,

    oh man, what a horrible person to do such thing to your car! >=( Yes, "merry" xmas to him and same wish to him too! =) oh, make them rot first...

    merry xmas to you in advance! ^_^

  14. HUH!..idiotic guy!!!!ggggrrrr..... i love the bears!XD..they every year change the bear texture..
