Tuesday 19 January 2010

Accessorize Haul

My trusty 2-year old MacBook decided to kamikaze last Friday in the middle of Skyping my boyfriend. After spending $600 replacing the hard drive, now iPhoto keeps freezing and crashing. And the folks at Apple who fixed my laptop appeared to have changed the administrator password... argh!! So please bear with the slowdown in new blog posts while I get these problems sorted out.

Anyway, I was in the mood for a small pick-me-up and ended up at Accessorize where I picked up some hairclips and bracelets.

My favourite is this charm bracelet! Love the small details on each charm like the horse shoe, dragonfly, "Made with Love" tablet and also the sweet color scheme.

Hope everyone is having a better start to 2010 than I am!


  1. Hi Iris

    Lovely to meet up yesterday :)

    I love the Charm Bracelet too ! Very pretty and romantic :)

  2. Hey,
    It was great meeting you again too and finally having the chance to chat :-) Hope to see you again at another event in the near future!

  3. Ouch! I hope everything gets sorted out quickly! My iPhone is running stable but since I have so many programs on it I am afraid it might start to act up eventually!

    Otherwise, are you happy with your Mac book? I usually use my netbook (Acer Aspire One) and I really love it! I haven´t used my regular laptop in weeks lol (because it is so slow as DH used to install so much crap on my laptop it just is messed up! Granted he is not allowed to touch my netbook =P)

  4. That sucks that your macbook broke down! I don't know what I would do if my laptop decided to break down. Cute bracelets! I really like the second one! :D

  5. hey Kathi,
    Aside from the problems that I have been having over the past week, I actually love my Macbook very much. It never gave me problems and the programmes are much easier to use than Windows programmes. I also have an iMac (like a desktop PC) which I bought in Tokyo more than 4 years ago and it's still going strong, except that it's much slower compared to my laptop.

    Don't let your DH touch your netbook!

    Hi Denysia,
    It was either repair my old laptop or buy a new one. I chose the cheaper option of repairing it, just hope I can get it fixed properly, otherwise that's a lot of money wasted that I could have used to get a new laptop instead!

  6. hey nice bracelet! may i know the price of em especially the beaded ones? cos my mum is going to singapore this saturday..and i want a bracelet like that.is it expensive or just ok? :) thanksss.ilovee ur blog.makes me wanna go to spore right now and get all those makeups! =D

  7. hi Ziemah,

    I think the charm bracelet was about S$22 and the other one with several strands was about S$27? Sorry, I've thrown the price tags away, so can't recall exactly.

  8. owh ok thanks! =D x
