Sunday 17 January 2010

Lush Snow Showers

I received a Lush Snow Showers as part of a massive Lush present from my boyfriend awhile back. Snow Showers is a shower jelly that is released only during the holiday season every year. It's so amazing that it's a real pity that it is not available year-round.

It comes in a small plastic pot and looks like tofu (feels like it too). The jelly texture means that it tends to break up easily into small bits and bobs so try to break off one clean sizeable chunk each time (try using a teaspoon). Otherwise you may end up like me dropping those slippery bits all over the shower floor, picking them up and then dropping them all over again. This is best used chilled. It doesn't produce much lather but it soaps up easily and rinses off leaving my skin clean and refreshed without being dried out. The unique fresh elderflower, orange and cognac scent is very fresh and relaxing, although I can't really smell the cognac.

Here's the list of ingredients.

I'm definitely stocking up on this if it gets released again later this year!


  1. I got this bc I liked the scent. I had issues with the globs but when i used it with a mesh puff it lathered up much better and I didn't have to worry about dropping bits =)

  2. Hi Jenn,

    trying to pick those small globs off the shower floor annoyed me to no end. Thanks for the mesh puff tip, will definitely try it out later!

  3. hi haru, slightly OT here..but have you tried using the covergirl lipstain? how was it?

  4. Thanks for the review Haru! :)


  5. hi Karen,
    I've tried the Cover Girl lipstain a couple of times and wasn't too impressed with it. The color looked alright and it didn't dry my lips out but the color tended to apply unevenly, so I still much prefer using lipstick or lipgloss to the lipstain. But at least it was relatively cheap.
