Saturday 13 February 2010

Japanese Magazines GWPs Preview

Here's a preview of the upcoming gifts with the April issues of various Japanese magazines! The release dates listed are for Japan.

Non-no (20 Feb): 3 Snidel zip pouches

Spring (23 Feb): Jill by Jill Stuart canvas tote 32x21x11cm. Check out the video here!

More (26 Feb): Coach Poppy scrunchie

Maquia (23 Feb): "Happy Coral" Pouch and Est Liquid Makeup Active Aura White (2 foundation sample sachets)

Biteki (23 Feb): Lunasol base and point makeup DVD

Voce (23 Feb): Ipsa Powdery Foundation sample

25ans (26 Feb): Pucci book cover (selection of designs shown below)

Sweet (12 Mar): Jill Stuart Cafe pouch

Cutie (12 Mar): Cecil McBee lunch tote and mini pouch


  1. thanks for the post! definitely going to be checking out the jill stuart items this month.

  2. Hi love reading ur blog :) I'm
    working in loccitane n was shocked u post L'occitane things haha! Anw would u happen to know every how long will new Japanese launch? How to know too?

  3. hi Angie,
    Sorry, I don't know how long the Wild Cherry Tree collection will be available in stores. My guess is that it's until it sells out as it is limited edition. Best is to check directly with the L'Occitane store staff?

  4. Hi sorry I mean the mooks magazines with the gwp. Would u happen to know every when will they launch a new
    copy? Every month? Anw I m working in L'occitane ;) haha. Was askin more on the Japanese magazine :)

  5. hi,
    Ah ok, was confused about what you were asking about. The brand mooks do not have a fixed schedule of release. They are usually released seasonally, like say for the Spring/Summer or Fall/Winter collections for fashion brands like Agnes B or Marc Jacobs. For Agnes B., the current mook is actually the first ever Agnes B. mook. But it's not a given that every season, there will be a mook for a certain brand. For example, there hasn't been any Paul & Joe, Jill Stuart or Rebecca Taylor mooks released in 2010, although these brands had released mooks in 2009.

  6. Oic. I just got the steady magazine today that comes with the white Agnes b tote. Althou it's a bit small but it's v cute :) I'm anticipated for the nimes stripe tote. I hope they will be in sg kinokuniya bookstore. The release date is 25th feb? Wow I'm totally gg mad over those magazines with the gwp! And I love reading ur blog!

  7. hi Angie,
    Thanks! Kino Singapore usually brings in the mooks around or just after the Japan release date. You can check with the Japanese book counter for the exact date of release for the mook you want. They also take reservations for mooks (but not for magazines) but once you reserve it, you are not allowed to cancel the reservation so if you're not 100% sure you will like the mook, best to wait to see it in person in the store rather than commit to a reservation.

  8. Mooks are u refering to those gifts that are given when u purchase the magazines? If so will the price be
    more expensive?

  9. Hi Angie,
    "Mook" is short for "magazine book" and refers to those magazine-like publications that are done in collaboration with a brand like Agnes B., Marc Jacobs, Jill Stuart, Cher etc. These usually come with an accessory like a tote bag. The mooks usually focus solely on one brand each.

    Mooks are different from the monthly magazine titles like Sweet, Steady, InRed, Mini, Cutie etc. Many of these monthly magazines also come with accessories that are usually done in collaboration with a fashion or beauty brand. Mooks are usually priced higher as well, around 1200yen to 1500yen, whereas the monthly magazines are usually 500yen to 700yen. Most of the Japanese mooks are published by Takarajima, which also publishes several monthly magazines like Sweet, Steady, Spring, inRed, Cutie and Mini.

  10. Thats complicated. Sorry cos I dun rly know about all this until I heard bout all these this few weeks. Are we able to reserve the magazine if we dun wanna reserve the
    mooks? I m v interested in the nimes stripe bag but does it comes with the magazine? I'm v confused!! Sorry.

  11. Hi Angie,

    The Nimes bag comes with the Nimes magazine except that it is not called a magazine, it is called a "MOOK". You can reserve the Nimes mook but once you make a reservation, you cannot cancel it. The Nimes mook costs 1300yen in Japan, so it should cost around S$30++ in Singapore.

    Kinokuniya doesn't take advance reservations for the monthly magazines like Sweet, Steady, InRed, Cutie etc. You can only reserve magazines after they physically arrive in the stores.

    Every publication listed in this blog post is a MOOK and all include a magazine and an accessory:

  12. Thanks alot :) at least I understand more bout it. Maybe I should call n enquire to be more exact with it. Update it blog soon!

  13. Wow, where do you get this info? Thanks for the tips, def getting Cutie on 12 Mar! XD I love how you share everything with your readers!

  14. hi,
    The info is from the various magazines' websites.
