Tuesday 2 March 2010

EOTD: Urban Decay Alice Look 3

I tried to create a more smokey purple look with Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland palette today by using Jabberwocky (Oil Slick) as the liner shade along the upper lashline and the outer one-third of the lower lashline. I also used Underland from the upper lashline to the crease, Curiouser (Grifter) blended in the crease and along the lower lashline and Drink Me, Eat Me (Sin) over the browbone area.

I also used ZA Wide Eyes Mascara for this look.


  1. Hey babe, I was using this today and realised that those shades with the glitter bits tend to fall out..and by that I mean my undereye/eye bags area were all glittering by mid day. Isit just me!??!

  2. hi,
    Nope, it's not just you. I experienced the same too when I used the shades in the Alice palette that have glitter, like Curiouser. So I resort to using a sticky strip from a Post-It note to lift off the glitter bits, and was quite surprised by the masses of glitter that the strip picked up. That's why I always hate having glitter in my eyeshadows.

  3. Very pretty, very you-colours! :D

  4. This is my fave Alice look on you!!!!
