Monday 22 March 2010

Pre-Wedding Photos

Thank you to everyone who left a comment earlier for the well wishes! The actual wedding day was Sunday 21 March and it went very smoothly with lots of laughter and joy all around, thanks to the help of several good friends.

I won't be able to post photos of the wedding day until a couple of weeks later but since some of you have asked, here are a few more shots from my pre-wedding photo shoot in December 2009. In Singapore, most couples do their photo shoot a few months before the wedding so that the photos can be displayed for the guests to see on the actual wedding day. The shoot usually includes both studio and outdoor shots, done within the same day. The shot below was taken near Hort Park.

These were taken in a tiny back alley behind the bridal studio which is along River Valley Road.


  1. Your pictures are truly beautiful. I love your wedding dress and the blue dress, they are breathe taking! Congratulations!

  2. So how hot was the weather? ;)Must be hard to smile when the sun is beating down on you! :)

  3. hi Maya,
    It was quite hot as is typical of Singapore but it was just for a couple of hours and well worth it when we saw how the pics turned out :-)

  4. You are SO gorgeous!! The weather looked amazing there, especially for December.

  5. Congratulations again Iris! You and your DH are looking SUPER FABULOUS!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!

  6. waouh!!!!!
    you look amazing!
    félicitations de France, charlotte

  7. Congrats Iris, I didn't see my comment on the previous post, so I'll post again. You look beautiful, and you've super fair complexion. All the wedding shots were simply stunning. Wish you blissful marriage and have a smashing yet romantic honeymoon - and where will that be if I may ask... hehe

  8. STUNNING! Beautiful beyond words. Congrats to you :)


    Your pictures look absolutely beautiful. =)

  10. so awesome!! now i wanna take wedding photos. lol they're beautiful Haru, thanks for sharing them with us.

  11. Congratulations!! You both look lovely and your dress is so beautiful! I wish you all the best in your married life together.

    I have been following your blog for some time and want to thank you for sharing the gorgeousness. It's always so pretty and informative as well as colourful. I appreciate your efforts.

  12. Congratulations again Iris! :)) Your outdoor shots are nice and sunny!

    I love the first pic! ^_^ Very natural.

  13. Taking pictures before so you can have them on display is such a good idea! Though I suppose it ruins the whole groom-not-supposed-to-see-the-dress-before-wedding superstition that exists in North America (at least). Your pictures are gorgeous! I never would have imagined that some of them were taken in a little alley.

    Congratulations again!!

  14. You two look adorable together. I especially like the last pic, it's cute!

  15. hihi, great pics! am sure we don't mind seeing more. u are amazing, newly we'd yet u can still find time to post. thanks & best wishes to a fantastic life ahead of u 2 

  16. :) hey! I wish you have a blissful marriage


  17. congrats! the photos are pretty!

  18. Love the blue dress!

    All the pics are so lovely!


  19. You look gorgeous, congrat!

  20. Dear Haru,

    I am one of your loyal readers and have followed your blog for quite some time.

    Congratulations! You look so sweet in the photos. Good taste as always!

  21. love the last pic!!! both of u look so so sweet <3

  22. awwwww! congrats! The photos are beautiful! You are beautiful!

  23. those are gorgeous photos!!
    congrats once again dear!

  24. hihi,
    Would you kindly share which bridal studio and makeup artist u engaged?

    Thanks so much, evelyn (loyal reader of Haru blog)

  25. Seeing your pictures has put a smile on my face and I think i'll be remembering you this way each time I read your blog- glowing, happy, and absolutely gorgeous. Somehow I feel so happy for you although we do not know each other, I am glad you have found someone who is lucky enough to have you! :)

  26. You are such a beautiful couple! The blue dress is gorgeous, too! I wish you a wonderful future together! =D

  27. hi evelyn,
    The bridal studio is Feline Bridal at River Valley Road. The photographer's name is Jimmy and his number is 8132-5861.

  28. Hi,
    just to add on, my makeup artist is Tiffany (tel:9371-4608) from Feline Bridal. She's very nice, attentive and chatty and listened to what I wanted to do. She does both hair and makeup.

  29. congratulations! you look beautiful!

  30. Nice photos!Congrad I have been reading ur blog since june last year. Thanks for all the make up information.

  31. Congratulations!!! You look stunning!!! I love the dresses you chose for both the pre-wedding shots and the ones your wore on your special day!! :) Thanks for sharing!! can't wait to see more pictures of your actual big day :P
    - Teressa

  32. Congrats! You and your hubby look great!Your hubby looks like he's of mixed parentage.Locw the pics. Any chance you'll be posting more?

    I'm getting married in June and I've posted some pics on my blog.Do take a look.

  33. congrats! u look so lovely! Beautiful complexion~~~ Wish you happily ever after!

  34. Congratulations! And wow...the colors are striking in these photos, you look so lovely! That blue one is especially nice (not to say that the wedding white isn't--I just think that blue is soooooo beautiful on you!)

  35. congrats on your nuptial!! my wedding anniversary is 23 March and your beautiful pictures reminded me of my own wedding many years ago :)

    You and your hubby looked so happy in those pictures!! It is truly a blessing to find someone who can share your life together!!

  36. smile to your photos))) you both happiness in the world)))
    very happy))))
    I read you a long time)) glad I found your journal, you positive person, very nice)))

  37. I like the first pic very much.
    Btw, where is it?

  38. Hi,
    the first photo was taken behind Hort Park near Alexandra Road.

  39. You look absolutely beautiful! Waiting to see the wedding photos!

  40. Wow congratulations! You and your hubby look gorgeous! Wishing you many blissful years ahead!

  41. pretty bride =) congratulations!!
