Thursday 11 March 2010

Tokidoki Makeup Line

The new Tokidoki makeup line has just launched on! And the great thing is that the line includes not only makeup but also accessories such as pouches, nail files and even a tank top. Here are some items on my must-have list:

Cromatico Eyeshadow Palette - Diamante (US$25): This comes with a collectible charm.

Luminosa Powder (US$22)

Kabuki Brush (US$28): the purple tinted bristles remind me of Urban Decay's kabuki.

Dang, even the mints (US$5) are uber-cute!

The line is exclusive to Sephora.


  1. Hi Haru!

    Did you see the review someone posed on the forums? Everything looks so cute!! I definitely want the cosmetics bag, a couple of the palettes, and the liquid liners! I'm very excited that they are pen style AND come in a lot of colours that I have never seen in that form... other than Majo Majo (and these do not like like they're click-pen, thankfully). I also think I want the tank-top to sleep in. The Kabuki brush is cute but GIANT and I am still trying to figure out what I would use it for. I'm hoping to see everything in store first though!

  2. OMG thanks for sharing! I totally want that kabuki brush! I wonder about the quality... if it's good I would totally get that over the Tarina Tarantino one!

  3. The packaging was so cute! The kabuki and charm!!! Very cute >.<~

  4. I can't tell you how excited I am that you posted this update! Definitely heading to Sephora as soon as I'm done with work.

    I would also like to say a huge thank you for your awesome blog, I'm addicted to checking it now. :-)

  5. love it

    to bad sephore doesn't ship worldwide =(

  6. Wow, I thought I'd be able to skip this entirely, but that Kabuki brush is calling my name!

  7. I like it more than the Smashbox collab they did a few years ago, but Tokidoki is so overexposed now. I liked it better when it was more of a cult following, a secret that only part of the world knew about.

  8. Hey Justine,
    Can you give me the link to the review on the forums, please? I checked Tokidoki freeforums but there wasn't any review there. My lemmings went into crazy overdrive when I saw the whole range on, think I will need to mull over it for some time before I can decide what to get. Hopefully they will be in the Sephora in Honolulu by the time I get there in a couple of weeks!

    Hey Catherine,
    Now that has a review section, hopefully someone will post reviews on the brush soon!

    Hey Chantana,
    Everything is just too cute!

    Hey animegrrl,
    Thank you, glad to hear that you enjoy the blog :-)

    Hey puranki,
    I agree it's a shame. Perhaps you can ask a friend or relative travelling to the US to help you buy it in the future?

    Hey Kiradris,
    After seeing the kabuki, I'm hoping that Tokidoki will come up with a full line of brushes!

    Hi Valerie,
    Actually I think Tokidoki is still quite a niche brand as it's nowhere on the scale of being as overexposed as, say, Coach.

  9. Hi there!

    Like your blog. I just saw this and went crazy and tried to check on the sephora website but I think its not opening. They have a problem. WHAT IF IT CRASHED!! Its crazy. :) Their server must be very busy.

  10. Hello again!

    The review is here:

    But she's only done a few swatches, but the products look REALLY well done, so I am still lemming. If I had the money (and space) I'd totally get one of everything, haha, but I think I just want the cosmetics bag, the pink liquid liner, and one or two of the quads... and the t-shirt for PJs! It looks super cute. The kabuki brush looks gorgeous but also gigantic and I have NO idea how one would use that.

  11. I spoted My Beauty Diary Mask, Provence Lavender trial pack (2pcs) at Guardian Pharmacy (Raffles Place MRT Branch) retailing at SGD3.35. I think their trial pack are cheaper than the 10pcs box set (retails at SGD21 now).

  12. i love Tokidoki! i think i'll grab one if i see any :D Thanks for sharing!

  13. So cute! especially the kabuki brush! :)

  14. Hi Haru

    Thanks for updating this info. I love Tokidoki products. So happy that there r cosmetic products too. But do u have any idea if they will be coming to S'pore ? I will " camp" at Ngee Ann City if they are coming. hee hee :)

    And thanks for updating all the info, I am addicted to yr blog everyday now... :)

  15. hi Pom Pom,
    I don't know if the Sephora in Singapore has plans to bring in the Tokidoki line but you should put in a request on their Facebook page. The many requests for Urban Decay on their Facebook page helped to convince Sephora to bring in UD to Singapore.!/pages/Singapore-Singapore/SEPHORA-SINGAPORE/40659843111?v=wall

    Or you can always ask a friend/relative holidaying or living in the US to help you purchase this from Sephora USA?

    Hey justine,
    Thanks so much for the link! The kabuki looks too big for me as well. Perhaps can use for the body?

  16. Hi Haru,

    Thanks for yr reply. I went to Ngee Ann City just now.. The staff dont even know Tokidoki, not to mention whether they have any idea if the stocks are coming to S'pore.. Faint ..

    Yes. i guess i have to ask around friends if anyone going USA.. :)

  17. Hi Haru, if u have a chance to get one of these palettes, please swatch it..><
