Tuesday 6 April 2010

EOTD: Beaute de Kose Eye Fantasist

Here's the look that I did today with the Beaute de Kose Eye Fantasists in Dark Cherry (SP063) and Shimmery Pink (PK857) from the Fantasist Collection 2 set that I picked up in Tokyo last week.

The Shimmery Pink shade has a lovely multi-coloured shimmer while the Dark Cherry shade has a more metallic finish. Both apply sheer but can be layered to achieve greater intensity. You can also layer powder eyeshadows over the Eye Fantasist but I did not do so for this look as I wanted to see how the Eye Fantasists performed on their own. The lasting power was good with minimal fading and creasing after eight hours of wear.

I also used Visee Lash Wide Impact (Curl Long) BK002 mascara.

1 comment:

  1. *envious* EFs are my fave products from BdK; I'm sorry they discontinued them here. The cherry shade is so pretty! Thanks for sharing photos of this set!
