Friday 30 April 2010

FOTD: Lancome Oscillation Power Foundation

Did my makeup today with the following:

Face: Lancome Oscillation PowerFoundation SPF21, Skin79 Diamond Perfect Cover BB Concealer

Cheeks: NARS Mounia blush

Eyes: Beaute de Kose Eye Fantasist SP063 Dark Cherry and PK857 Sugar Glazed Pink, Dior 5 Couleurs 059 Pearl Glow and Lancome Virtuose Precious Cells mascara

Brows: Paul & Joe Eyebrow Pencil Duo 01

Lips: Chanel Glossimer #128 Meteore

I picked up the Oscillation PowerFoundation at Sephora during my Honolulu vacation. It is a mineral foundation that contains nourishing aloe and vitamin E and is free of talc, oil and fragrance. The sponge applicator does 7,000 micro-vibrations per minute. I am using shade Ivory #20, which turned out to be a perfect match for me.

Although the Oscillation PowerFoundation may seem gimmicky at first, I actually found that the vibrating sponge applicator does help to achieve a lovely seamless and natural finish. The buffing motion smooths the foundation on very evenly, so there is absolutely zero streaking or caking. I love how it evens out my skintone without making it look flat and dull. However, the oil control is not that impressive and I have to blot about every hour or so.

Applying this does tend to take awhile because only a little bit of product is deposited on the sponge each time. I have to tip the bottle over quite a few times and then buff it on, doing small sections of my face at a time.

Here's the ingredients list and application instructions.

From what I recall, the accompanying leaflet had included instructions on how to remove the battery from the handle for recycling. However, the instructions also advised that the battery should not be replaced. One thing that bugged me slightly was that the foundation pot appears to be quite full when it is standing upright.

But if you tip it onto its side, you will discover that the pot is actually only just slightly over half full! The net weight is 8g/0.26oz. Would it really have cost that much more for Lancome to fill up the pot to near its maximum capacity? Probably not, especially considering that this foundation costs US$48!

I used the Natural Beige shade (the darker of the two shades) from the Skin79 Diamond Perfect Cover BB Concealer on my under eye area. Unfortunately, I still can't seem to make this work well for me despite first prepping my eye area with Lancome Anti-Dark Circles Eye Serum. The concealer creased into the fine lines at the inner corner of my lower lid.

NARS Mounia actually has a richer deep wine tone in real life than the pic below. This is one of the most crazily pigmented blushes in the NARS lineup and a little bit goes a long way.

My regular readers may have noticed that I've started to post more photos of my face makeup, instead of only my eye makeup. I hesitated for the longest time about doing so because I don't have perfect skin and I'm not as photogenic as many other beauty bloggers. And indeed, my pores have actually gotten their own hate mail!

But at the end of the day, I decided that many of my readers probably also have skin imperfections and would find my reviews to be much more useful if they could actually see the complete look instead of just my eyes. One of the most touching comments that I've received was from a reader who said that I inspired her to start playing more with her makeup. So it's for these readers that I am doing this. I'm not model-perfect and I don't claim to have mad makeup skills but I'm actually quite comfortable in my own skin and with my looks.

Finally, to those anonymous haters: why are you even reading this?! Get a life! *makes the L sign*


  1. I have been reading your blog (and commenting occasionally) for quite a while now and I appreciate your face of the day pics! It really does help me when reading about foundations and powders, so please ignore any less than positive comments. Your blog is one of my favourites and I love all the changes you have made to it over time!

    p.s. I also really liked to see your wedding and honeymoon pics! Congratulations!

  2. Hello Haru,
    I read your blog every single day and I very much enjoy your posts, pics and reviews.
    This is my first comment, to just say that I think you are doing a splendid job...Not having perfect skin myself, and being very far from looking like a top model, I believe that those are not prerequisites for either having, or reading beauty blogs.
    I've seem nasty comments on other blogs as well, and am always baffled as to why people would waste their time in such a stupid and hurtful way...anyway, as you say, they probably should just get a life! Beauty blogs are NOT about perfection but about having fun and sharing your passion with other, like-minded individuals.
    So pay no attention to petty and mean people and keep having fun with your blog which, in my opinion, is one of the best out there.
    All the best
    Nina (in London)

  3. Hi Haru, first of all, thanks for all your make up info and updates. As for FOTD, I think it's very encouraging that you decided to show your whole face! No one is perfect, and the perfect celebrity shoots are after processing...all I can say is...great job Haru :)

  4. don't be too bothered abt what others say. there are bound to be some others who appreciate your pictures!!

  5. i like your FTODs very much and look forward to your reading blog even more after you started posting them. its great that we get to see how these foundations actually perform on real people. thanks alot haru!

  6. I appreciate your full face pics!

    As a person with oily skin, acne scars and redness in her cheeks, I couldn't identify with many of the beauty bloggers bec of their good complexion. I also take their reviews on the coverage and oil control of foundations, powders and concealers with a heaped teaspoonful of salt bec hey, they don't have the same skin issues.

    I find your blog v useful and informative, so please ignore the hate mail! Your blog is a daily read for me (even on weekends!).

  7. I've been a reader since you were living in Japan and loved your reviews for the cosmetics. At that time, I believe you didn't even show your eye. Your Fotd has been really helpful to show how you match colours on asian skin. Would it be too trouble to both show your face and just a shot of your eyes? I liked looking at your e/s placements.

    If it makes you feel better, I have HUGE pores! (& no issues with oiliness -_-) Ignore those haters!

  8. I love the new FOTD pics! It's nice to see how a whole look comes together - and I think you look lovely :)

    Love the Dior Pearl Glow eye - so pretty! Did you use the Kose eyeshadows as bases?

    They finally have this foundation here but I prefer a liquid TM to powder/mineral foundation and I couldn't find a nice colour match.... did you pick up extra sponges? I also worry about how sanitary it is since it seems hard to clean the sponges!

  9. Hi haru~ It's my first time commenting on your blog even though I started reading your blog like 2 years ago. Just want to say a big "THANKS!" to you! Your blog will always be the first that I visit when I open my browser everyday even though I've bookmarked many other beauty blogs. Just ignore and forget about all those negative comments about your skin.

    No one is perfect and you're doing a great job by sharing your FOTD, your product reviews and latest beauty updates (especially Japanese brands info which I loved!) The most important thing is your husband loves you the way you are! =D

  10. Hi Iris,

    Even super stars have imperfections on their face. I don't believe everyone has picture perfect skin. I admit I have strawberry nose ( nose with opened pores ) and I seriously think my pores will never ever be able to shrink back again. But that's what makeup is here for. ;) If I have flawless skin, I will go out everyday without any trace of makeup. Who needs makeup???

    I like to see your FOTDs because it gives me a better ideas of how the product looks when applied as a look. We readers appreciate the time you spent doing FOTDs for us.

    To those who are rude to others, please move on to sephora for computer edited advertisments for reading pleasure.

  11. hi dear, i hv been reading your blog since your stay in japan. your entries are well written n i look forward to reading every day! it's informative & unbiased.

    your FOTD is great n gives ideas to many out there, thanks!

    those rude commenters clearly have low self-esteem n no respect for others.

  12. hi,
    Thanks for the well wishes! I'm always very touched when people tell me that my blog is one of their favourites. My FOTD photos are completely not retouched. I don't even adjust the lighting on them! So what you see is what the makeup really looks like on me.

    hi Nina,
    I read many beauty blogs as well, and unfortunately it seems like almost every blog attracts its share of immature and rude haters. It's sad that there are people out there who have nothing better to do than sit around and attack bloggers just to see if they can get a reaction. When I get such hateful comments (like they call my pores "disgusting"), I just laugh at the atrocious level of their spelling and grammar. Well, this is the Internet and karma's a bitch :-)

    hi zhenling,
    Glad to hear that you find the FOTDS useful. I'm quite the foundation junkie, as you can probably see. Always on the search for the next great foundation!

    hey Maya,
    I have dealt with oily skin issues all of my adult life and know how incredibly frustrating it can be. If I had perfect skin, I wouldn't even wear foundation at all! Really glad to hear that you find the posts useful.

    hey Angeline,
    Wow, thanks for following the blog all these years! I really appreciate it. Sure, I'll include close-ups of the eye makeup when I do FOTD posts, although there will probably still be times when I only do EOTD shots.

    hey Justine,
    Yes, I use the BdK Eye Fantasists as the bases before layering powder eyeshadows over them. The shimmer in the Eye Fantasists is really intense and sparkly, but oh so pretty! It's a pity that the brand is not promoted more in Singapore. I didn't get more sponges for the Lancome foundation as I didn't even know that they sell those. But given the paltry amount of product in the pot, I think it will last at most two or three months with daily use.

    hi hisa,
    Thank you, that's such a sweet comment! Hope you continue to enjoy reading the blog. I don't write the blog because I think my makeup is perfect but rather because makeup is my hobby and I greatly enjoy sharing it with others :-)

    hey AhCapp,
    Totally agree with you. I always tell my friends who have perfect poreless skin that they do not need any makeup because their skin looks stunning as it is.

    hi shopaholic,
    Thank you, glad to hear that you find the blog useful!

  13. Sorry to hear about the haters! I think the whole point of beauty blogging is to see how things work and look on regular peole like us, instead of airbrushed models. Keep the posts coming! :)

  14. Hi Iris,
    really appreciate your almost daily efforts over the past years on reviews of the many many interesting products.
    Your blog is my daily read for the past few years. And I just want to say thank you as I find that your reviews are very real based on your own experience with the products and unbiased. I must admit that my many buys are very much influenced by your reviews and most of them turn out to work for me pretty well. I'm enjoying your new fotd posts as I can now better judge whether the foundation tones will also look ok on me as well as the blushers as I'm almost the same tone as you. Thanks for coming to your decision to share 'your face' with us. :-) As much as there might be a small handful who are critical of you, most of your readers I'm sure benefit from your posts. Just remember, even the most beautiful, capable or wise person will be a sore eye to some just like your 'pores' here. Haha. I think it's actually quite funny. I also used to have poreless looking skin but as with age, my nose area's pores have grown bigger now. I guess it's just a growing older process and it's all natural. Maybe these people who are so critical are 'not there yet'. ;-)

  15. this foundation makes your skin look smoother, minimize the pores. it looks great!

  16. YESSS!!! do the L sign to them!


  17. oops, may i add that u have lovely eyes, mine are the typical Asian almond eyes :)

  18. WOOHOO.

    just like them, i enjoy your FOTDs very much.
    you look really pretty i think! love your nose!!

    <3 <3 <3

  19. Hi Haru, i was also surprise why the sudden change from the eye makeup to now the full face makeup but then it's about time we see the lovely blogger who has always entertain us with alot of details information on beauty etc. :)

    To be honest, who ever had a perfect skin and feature? Like my lecturer said, when we are 60, we all look like our parents. Indirectly it meant that beauty won't last forever. Beauty should be skin deep. I like to see a more human touch on the beauty blog to let us know how we can make perfect on the skills or looks we are trying to use on ourselves. Not some model picture perfect looking but well we all know it's photoshop anyway. It's all in the magazine. It seriously bring us closer as we can see for ourselves how the colors can look like, in real reality, not some sort of fantasy look that it is hardly anyone can really achieve unless they got good genes but how many does?

    Don't need to let those negative comment get you down. They are just never comfortable in their own skin to begin with and that they want to get others down with their insecurity. If they are so good, how come they don't post it out for everyone to see? At the end of the day, what i am looking for is some useful tips on a real human with imperfections and flaws as me, not some models as i can never be one or look like one and this is to me, what real beauty is all about.

    I still support what you have decided to do with your beauty blog and would still like to see more with the makeup etc. Ignore those that didn't. If they are never a part of your life, what they think or say is just as useless and meaningless too. Thank you for including us into your life and showing us the real you and i appreciate that. I know it takes alot of courage and guts to do so. Whatever the other that doesn't appreciate what you have done, so be it with them. You know you have supporters like me who like seeing real human than those who like to see things through the rose-tinted glasses. Keep all the good work up and coming!! :)

  20. I check your blog everyday (It's one of the most interesting, informative, and sincere that I've come across) and have to say that some day, I check it more than once so I'd say that I'm such a fan of yours. :)

    Don't care for those unkind words. They just have nothing else to do but the desire to leave bad marks on other people. Don't let them think they're succeeded.

  21. I was (pleasantly) surprised when you finally showed a pic of yourself (in Lush).

    Yes you're not model perfect but how many really are. Like many others, I appreciate the FOTDs and I have always loved your taste and your reviews. You have such an eye for some of the most adorable things.

    Not to mention I never forgot how you used to help us CP from Japan!

    It's nice to finally able to see you!

  22. Hey,do not be disheartened.I love reading your blog more than others.Yours is the only beauty blog I remember by heart.I love your reviews and I felt happier that you did fotds.Thank yoU!

  23. you have a great blog and don't you give a hoot to those who leave hateful comments. They are just pathetic people who probably do that to make themselves feel better. Quite sad really.

    I really wanna say thanks for your write-ups. Your pics are also very useful. Thanks again!

  24. oh gosh dear Haru,

    you are gorgeous! your delicate nose and your eyes and the shape of your face and everything coming together, so pretty ne... such delicate beautiful features, your base setup is perfect!

  25. i appreciate your photos!! as i find those who post their photos are really courageous(unlike me hehe i still don't) and give truthful reviews!!

    dun care about those people who only know how to bully people behind the computer screen!

  26. Appreciate your fast-paced blog entries. I get to read new entries very often! Pores, redness, ... skin imperfections are all part and parcel of my life. Thanks for sharing your LOTDs (",)

  27. Hello,
    Read what you like =D

    I love your blog, and I always check your blog first thing in the morning, at least 4times a day. I, too have imperfect skin, and from your reviews, I start to pick up products that suit my skin more =D

    Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder! You're pretty! Cheers!!

  28. Dear Haru,

    I love your blog and read it everyday as well. Have been following your blog for a long time, and it's really nice to see you gradually sharing more with us readers. I really appreciate your FOTDs and it's really interesting to see how you apply your makeup each day.

    Keep up the great work! Just ignore the haters as they're being immature and silly.

    Have a great weekend! :)

  29. Hi Haru,

    Just to say that I appreciate the FOTD posting and though I only started reading ur blog recently, it has inspired me to put in a bit more effort in my make-up. ;)

    Just wondering: Could u recommend a gd loose powder that I can use with my BB cream?


  30. Lisa R (in the UK)1 May 2010 at 23:59

    Hi Iris,

    I love your blog and it saddens me to think that people are writing hateful things to you. Perhaps you could institute a rule where those people who can demonstrate their absolute perfection are able to make personal comments or criticise you, and absolutely no one else. ;-)

    I've been very pleased to see your face on your blog, and I think you're lovely, in every sense of the word.

  31. same as everyone else, i adore your blog, i dont leave comments often but i read it everyday. i really love how u do your eye makeup and like some of the readers i was pleasantly surprised when u started showing your face! takes a lot of courage i must say. keep up the good work :)

  32. Hi Haru, your blog is my fav beauty blog! Really appreciate it that u show your readers your face with all the makeup u have tried. I have the same skin concerns as u & I always feel more encouraged when u reviewed a product suitable for our skin type. In fact, I've juz bought the Lancome Maquicake UV Infinite coz of your recommendation & I really love it! Thanks so much for your sharing!

  33. I don't know about the size of these anonymous hate mailers' PORES, but I sure think their hearts and life vision are tonnes smaller than the rest of us!

  34. hi everyone,
    Thanks for the encouraging comments. It really touch me beyond words, to know that my blog is liked by ladies with the same skin concerns as me.

    hi legless bird,
    Do check out Shu Uemura's loose powders, which I find look very natural. These come in Matte, Sheer and Colour in a variety of skin tones.

    I am currently using Paul & Joe Face Powder N, which is also very finely milled but the oil control is not that fantastic.

    hi Jasmine,
    Glad to hear that you like the Maquicake foundation! :-)

  35. Like all ur faithful blog readers, i really appreciate ur truthful reviews! I have totally the same skin concerns as u, and i can relate to ur reviews. very often when i read other beauty bloggers' reviews, i find it hard to relate to theirs becos they often already have near-to-flawless skin. so please continue to post up all those much-loved reviews! =)


  36. I also have been enjoying ur blog for the reviews quite a while. Your posts have also been very informative and a joy to read! Yes, you may not have the perfect skin, but you honestly have very pretty features. Those insecured haters are just being mean. Just hope to let you know there are many others who support and appreciate you. =)

  37. Honestly speaking, it was a bit of a shock when you first posted your FOTD. Firstly I think you have a really pretty face, and secondly the size of your pores. But it's just because rarely see less than perfect photos uploaded on blogs. But pores are just pores, nothing disgusting abt that.

    In your EOTD photos, your eyeshadow is always amazingly done up making me wonder if it will look overly done if I would to copy something like that. But when you finally posted FOTD, I'm convinced that the looks are totally wearable, just that the colors need to blended nicely and skillfully :D

    Keep up the good work, I really enjoy reading your daily updates. You are one of the most hardworking bloggers around, spoon feeding us with updates.

  38. Hi Haru,
    I've been reading your blog since the beginning of this year and because of this, I'm starting to know more about makeup and learning to be creative. I've always hesistated to play with makeup because of my acne skin(I can relate). But now, I'm more confident and know more thanks to you!
    P.S. I think you're really pretty!:)

  39. Hey Iris,
    totally love how you've started posting LOTDs - in fact, I think when I first posted one of mine with my eyes closed, you had encouraged me to experiment and post more shots! So yeay to great pics. And to pple who bother to read and then make horrid comments - Ok, no point talking about mannerless folks right? And remember, you're the reason why I have a Marc Jacobs tote and a Kinokuniya Priviledge card. And my NAAAARRRRSSSS! Love you! *hugs*

  40. Hi Iris,
    I hope to ask you about the shade for the lancome foundation. I'm probably MAC NC20-25, Shiseido OC20, Guerlain parure extreme beige claire 02, bourjois mineral matte mousse #82. I'm really torn between Ivory 30 and beige 10. Pls kindly advise! Thanks~

  41. hi Esther,
    From the other foundation shades that you listed, it looks like we are about the same skintone. I am also around MAC NC25. For the Bourjois Mineral Matte Foundation, I wear #81. For Guerlain Parure Pearly White Brightening Fluid Foundation SPF15 PA+, I wear #01 Beige Pale. For Shiseido brand foundations, I usually wear OC10 although for the Maquillage Lasting Stick Foundation, I use PO00.

    I'm not an expert on Lancome foundation shades, so if you have access to a Lancome counter, I would advise that you go to the counter and get color matched (do remember the check the shade in natural light outdoors as the counter lights can be deceiving). For the Oscillation Power Foundation, I found Ivory #20 to be a good match. Not sure why you are deliberating between 30 in the Ivory group and 10 in the Beige group, as it seems like there would be quite a difference in the tone. I haven't compared these shades in real life so I really can't say how they compare to one another. Sorry I can't be of more help.

  42. I was looking through the shade charts and online videos, and thought Ivory 20 might be too light for me? I seem to be one tone darker than u? I have more yellow tone than redness... Hmmm, more confused than ever. I'm thinking of buying it online, since they don't have it in singapore....

  43. Can I find Lancome Osccillation Power Foundation in Singapore? I read you post and got very interested in the product but it's not available in Kuala Lumpur counter.
