Friday 23 July 2010

Biteki September 2010

I also got the September issue of Biteki (S$15.20) at Kinokuniya today.

It comes with three sachets (3g each) of RoC Eternel White Intensive Whitening Cream. That is quite generous considering that the normal retail price for the cream in Japan is 5250yen for 50g.

The ingredients list.

The magazine also includes a very pretty 55-page booklet featuring the fall makeup collections from 57 brands.


  1. Hi Iris!

    Is this the fall makeup collection both of us collect from Voce? Did you buy Biteki because Voce is not out yet? :))

  2. Hey AhCapp,
    I bought all three today! Maquia, Voce and Biteki. Maquia and Biteki for the samples and Voce for the catalogue which is the most comprehensive of the three. The magazines arrived at Kino yesterday. Sorry, I meant to text you but my handphone died so I lost your number.

  3. Hi Iris

    it's ok :) I read your blog daily so I will definately read this post sooner or later. ;) I will call up Kino tmrw. I will text you my mobile tmrw. It's too late now.

  4. Do you know if Roc Eternal white is sold outside of asian?
    Let me know if it works plz!

  5. Hi Sormui,
    I don't know if the range is available outside of Asia. As there are only three packets for three days' use, I doubt I'll be able to see any significant effect but if I like it, I will review it here.

  6. Hi Iris!

    So out of the the 3 mags, Voce is the one to get for the Fall makeup catalog? I'll call Kino on Monday then! Thanks!

  7. hi,
    Maquia, Biteki and Voce all come with catalogs on the fall makeup collections but the only two worth getting are Biteki and Voce. Of the three, I like Biteki's catalogue the best.

  8. i was at liang court today and they only had biteki and maquia, got biteki cos i'd rather try the roc samples, good to know that you liked the layout!
