Saturday 3 July 2010

Books Haul

Browsing the bookshops in New Delhi is one of my favourite things to do here as the books are much cheaper compared to Singapore and you never know what you will find. I picked up Bill Bryson's new book, At Home for just S$29 compared to close to S$60 in Singapore. I also found Trish McEvoy's The Power of Makeup at a steal for just S$15, Scott Barnes' About Face (S$33) and the Kylie book (S$27) for her costume exhibition at London's Victoria & Albert Museum in 2007. Scott Barnes is best known for his work with Jennifer Lopez, who appears on the cover.

I was one of those kids who grew up with Kylie, Bananarama, Debbie Gibson etc as the soundtrack of my youth and reading Smash Hits. Kylie's debut album was the first cassette (yes, this was before the age of CDs) that I bought when I was 10. Can't wait to get her new album, Aphrodite! :-)


  1. the age of the cassette tapes and walkman!!! hehee...
    i remember i had to wind up the cassette when it comes loose :) Playing and recording all with the push of a button - it was fuss free back then :)

  2. Hey Hazelnutt,
    Oh yes, those were the good old days :-) I had great memories of making my own mix tapes and re-playing them non-stop! Spent a lot of time rewinding and fastforwarding cassette tapes in those days.

  3. Wow, I always think of Singapore having much better book prices than Australia (eg. here the Bill Bryson book ranges from $32-$50AU, depending where you buy it from). I shall have to add Delhi to my book travels one day!
    My first *record* was Kylie's first album, shortly followed by Jason Donovan (I don't know if he was popular overseas).

  4. teehee i remember kylie's locomotion song- "you gotta swing your hips now~~" LOL
    i think we danced to it in a talent quest and it was cassette too haha
    have you heard of the bookdepository? they ship for free and are much cheaper than bookstores here too!

  5. Geez, i am also from the same i miss those days. Times certainly have changed - C.

  6. After my membership card expired with Kinokuniya since April, I had not been visiting bookstores for a couple of months. Books in Singapore are way too expensive.

  7. カロリイン7 July 2010 at 00:37

    Hi Iris, reading your post really brings me back to those days. :) Smash Hits magazine was so popular, I think sometimes they come with freebies like pin badges of those popular singers and group. Then every Friday night would tune in to 987FM to listen to American top 40 hosted by DJ Rick Dees. My fave and 1st cassette is Debbie Gibson. :)
