Wednesday 7 July 2010

Coffret D'Or Fall 2010

Voce has more pics of the upcoming Coffret D'Or fall makeup collection due out on 1 September in Japan.

Top row (left to right): Moist Flat Coat (1575yen, 12g), Creamy Cover Fix (3150yen, 25g) and Melty Essence Fix (3150yen, 25g)

Bottom row: Silky Fit Cream Foundation (left, 3990yen) and Silky Fit Pact (right, 4200yen)

(Left to right): Mode Control Face Color (3150yen) and the two limited edition Beauty C Curve Eyes (3675yen)


  1. Looks really lovely, haven't tried anything from kanebo yet.
    Wasn't quite sure where to start skin care or make up?

  2. love those mode control face colors. i got my friend to get me the palettes and i've been using since. love them, love them!

