Saturday 21 August 2010

Lunasol at OG Orchard

Just read on Cozycot that Lunasol will be opening more counters in Singapore, including OG Orchard and Metro! The fall collection will be released at OG Orchard on Thursday 26 August. On that day, OG will be giving 10% + 10% discount for OG card members. The collection poster is already up at OG Orchard. You can see swatches of the collection on Hanamizuki and Iswii.

Wonder which Metro will be getting the Lunasol counter? My hope is that it will be Metro Paragon, even though that is just across the road from Takashimaya. I hope this means that we'll be seeing Lunasol being promoted more actively in Singapore as this excellent brand richly deserves.


  1. YAHOOOOOO!!! :D good news, indeed!

  2. Good news indeed. I have been waiting for the longest time. Couple of months back, Metro sengkang SA told me it will b available at her counter. Now I don't hv to all the way to town to check on lunasol. Yay.


  3. Hi Haru,

    Have you been to Taipei? How abt taking China Air? It is safe?


  4. hi,
    Wow, Metro Sengkang? That's great!

    I haven't been to Taipei in more than 20 years. I'm afraid I can't advise about China Air.

  5. I flew to taipei on jetstar last November w kids in tow. Jetstar gave boarding priority to my family. Not too bad experience for a budget airline:)


  6. Hi Iris,

    The new Lunasol is launched in Taka already! I dropped by during lunch just now and got the eye shadow in #04. Very Pretty! and tried the lipsticks! Also very pretty with swirl of glitter!

  7. Yay, thanks for informing! Will go down soon to check it out!

  8. hihi I saw Lunasol at Sengkang Metro, Kanebo counter
