Thursday 5 August 2010

New CDs by Jewel and Kylie

After many weeks of stalking the cd shop in basement 2 of Ngee Ann City, I finally found Kylie's Aphrodite and Jewel's Sweet and Wild albums in stock! I got the "Experience Edition" of Aphrodite which comes with a DVD containing live footage from Kylie's 2009 North American Tour and the video shoot for All The Lovers and the Aphrodite photo shoot.

I also got the Deluxe Edition of Sweet and Wild, which includes a second CD "Sweet and Mild" that has acoustic versions of all eleven songs from Sweet and Wild. The acoustic versions have different vocals from the "Sweet and Wild" versions, which is excellent as I've always loved Jewel's live performances more than her studio recordings. The only slight disappointment is that Passing Time, an old Jewel track that she has performed frequently in concerts, has been left off the album again. But thanks to the wonder that is Youtube, it can be enjoyed anytime :-)

Call me a dinosaur but I still prefer buying CDs, and poring over the lyrics and liner notes rather than the instant-fix of downloading online. It's terribly sad that CD shops have become a dying breed in Singapore with the collapse of the traditional music industry.


  1. I am not a fan of either artist, but I agree with you about buying CDs! I still buy CDs rather than downloading most of the time because I like reading the booklets. I'm a crazy musicals/showtunes fan, so I like to buy the cast albums that have the lyrics and pictures in them...

  2. I'm not really into American/English music but I will say that I totally agree in that there is nothing like having the actual CD in your hands.

    I'm old-fashioned enough to say the same thing about books and magazines. Nothing like curling up in bed with a good book and/or magazine. It's such a warm, fuzzy feeling. Somehow the thought curling up with an electronic book doesn't evoke the same feeling.


  3. I like Kylie. Lucky me, I have a lot of Brit colleagues. They picked up CDs like this when they return to the UK & I can borrow from them.

  4. I love buying CDs also.. well I simiply love collecting them!(lolx)

  5. I like Jewel a lot. She's a talented songwriter and has a beautiful voice. I still like her "Foolish Games" the most!
